Chapter 29

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When Lim Naryeom, the manager Jungkook once knew as his own, had opened the SUV door for him, he had no idea why an eerie smile lingered on her face.

But now that he was sitting right next to the sleeping beauty that Hana was, he himself had the same smile on his face; minus the evil.

All of his fatigue had evaporated the moment he found her sitting inside, with her head cutely bobbing all around the place. The night is as dark as any other one. But it doesn't take long for the rods of his eyes to get used to it. He doesn't help but stare at her face which although does not glimmer, yet somehow still bears its radiance.

For moments, he hears nothing but the faint sound of her deep breathing.

He wants nothing but to caress her serene features with all the warmth he knew he possessed.

But he forces himself to look away. The wide round-neck of his T-shirt exposes a lot of his skin which suddenly feels hot. Is it May or something else raising the temperatures inside this air-conditioned car?

Staring out the window, he watches the busy and bustling road, which heavily contrasts the tranquility of Hana's face.

The whirl of the outside world was the last thing he wants to feel. His life was too turbulent already.

He desperately desires to turn back to the calm that Hana symbolized, but a voice inside him told him that the moment he crosses that line, he and she both will bear the worst consequences.

The car slows down to cross a speed-breaker. Suddenly, he finds her breathing intensifying. He feels the distance between the both of them reduce at an even pace. The moment he slightly turns his head towards her, her chin crash lands into his left shoulder.

Jungkook stiffens.

Without looking back at her, he adjusts himself so that her head can comfortably rest in the crook of his neck. The skin over her cheek-bone feels icy cold against the base of his neck. Her eye-lashes gently tickle his hot skin.

He reminds himself to breathe.

Hana shifts in her place a bit, causing him to gulp. All of a sudden, she interlocks both her hands with his left arm and rests her torso against his side. Jungkook extends his arm a little to prevent future cramps and rests it atop her knees. He gently pats the joints and allows himself to rest his own head against hers.

He closes his eyes at the contact of their heads and in no time descends into the light world between lying consciously and sleeping like a log.


Jungkook's eyes fly open when he hears a muffled gasp near him. When he raises his head from the leather of the seat and turns to the voice at his left, he is greeted by a wide-eyed Hana who has her hand covering her mouth. In an instant, he takes his hand off her knees and clears his throat.

Hana clears her throat herself and looks straight ahead. The shuffling at the back causes Naryeom to take a glance at the backseat. She takes in the sight of two flustered kids avoiding each other. She slowly turns her head back to the road.

And stifles up a cackle.

"Are we home yet?" Hana voices out.

Home. Jungkook notes.

"Yeah," answers Mr. Taksu.

The car eventually stops and both Jungkook and Hana get ready to get down.

"Both of you should go straight to the dance practice room," manager Lim says.

"Both?" Jungkook asks out loud.

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