Chapter 37

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The interaction with Yoongi had given Hana an incentive to see things in a novel light. Walking down the stairs and not the elevator, she gives a deep thought to all the events which had taken place today. Yes, Stacy was mad and that had made Hana feel really bad, she quickly changes her perspective.

She wonders what had actually caused Stacy to react that way. She walks and breathes with the same intensity as she did after landing in Nepal last week. The events from that night replay and she sees herself dodging away the concerned Mira who, at every second, had tried to help her out. She remembers how she had fought with the girl and told mean things to her face. She remembers how many times she hurt her dearest Mira by the words she chose and the actions she showed.

Did she actually mean those things? She asks herself. Definitely not. Jungkook had pointed that out as well and Hana remembers confessing that she was mad at herself for not being able to be with his father when he was having a hard time. She realizes that by projecting her guilt in the form of anger at Mira was the way she survived the storm.

What if Stacy was the same?

Within no time, she exits the heavy metal doors of the building and stops at once at the sight in front of her. A familiar female figure, hidden in dark clothes, is crouched on the steps near the plant.

The seated female tilts her head, causing her short hair to bounce to the left as she hears the sound of someone coming out.


And now Hana has no doubt that Stacy and she are in fact, the same persons.

Stacy immediately stands up and although she is wearing a mask around her face, Hana is sure that she is biting her upper lip; the rare symptom which Stacy showed whenever she didn't know what to say.

"Hana, umm, I –" Stacy begins but is interrupted when Hana suddenly engulfs her in a tight hug.

"I-I'm sorry," Stacy says at once. Hana knows how hard it must have been for the girl to muster up the courage to apologize. "I shouldn't have said that thing."

"Those things," Hana corrects her, not breaking the embrace.

"Right," Stacy closes her eyes. "I swear that I-"

"Didn't mean any of that, right?" Hana completes for her.

"Let me speak, will you?" Stacy gently slaps the Hana's back.

Hana chuckles.

Breaking the hug, the both of them look into each other's eyes as if communicating everything through their eyes.

Stacy gulps before speaking, "You were the first friend I made when I came here, and I believe it was the same for you." Hana nods. "So I took great pride in that and believed that the bond we share is special and that if anything was wrong with you anytime, I would be the first one to understand it." Stacy wipes a tear. "I thought you won't even have to speak in order for me to know something's off. But I was wrong." She sniffs. "I was so wrong. And the fact that you kept it all in and didn't utter a single word made me further mad at myself."

Hana tries to speak up but Stacy continues, "I was mad that neither did you tell me, nor did I understand. I blame myself for not being able to be with you when you needed us the most. I was so mad at myself but I was helpless. So when you came inside the room, I erupted. That too, at you. I'm sorry, Hana. I'm really sorry."

Hana wipes off the tears from the dancer's cheeks and shakes her head. "I don't blame you. In fact, I do understand what you feel."

"I'm pretty sure you don't."

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