Chapter 2- I don't want her to be my manager!

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I saw someone familiar when I walked to the chaging room.

Oh... It's the girl I saw earlier. To be honest, she wasn't that ugly, in fact she is kinda cute.. But she looked really tease-able I couldn't resist teasing her.

I mentally laughed to myself as i entered the changing room to find her talking to my temporary manager. She looked at my schedule and I frowned, "What are you doing with my schedule?"

Even if she is a fan she shouldn't look at my schedule without permission. Why did my manager let her take it in the first place?!

"Reading it." She talked bluntly.

"No shit sherlock!" I used sarcasm in my voice. "You shouldn't be reading it. Manager why did you give it to her?"

"Huh? CEO Yang didn't tell you?" My manager looked confused.

"Tell me what?"

"That-" He was cut when AhYoung talked over him saying, "I'm going to be your new manager."

It took me a while to proccess what she said but when I realized I shouted "What?!! But I didn't even agree to this!"

"It's because you refused all the managers that came to you before, so CEO Yang decided to choose one himself." Manager explained.

"I don't want her to be my manager!!"

AhYoung P.O.V

Ugh this brat complains too much, is he even serious with his work?

"I don't want her to be my manager" He said, and I snapped.

I looked up from his schedule and glared at him, "Yes, I don't want to be your manager either. I signed up for SM entertainment to be the manager of EXO, but guess what? I'm here, being assigned to an annoying brat that knows nothing but complain and judge."

"I do not complain and judge that much." He protested.

"Then shut up and accept the fact that I'm your manager, you are already in lack of staff anyway." I scolded him.

And he actually stayed quite after what I said.

I looked at the schedule one more time and then gave it back to his current manager, "Thank you for showing it to me, I'll be leaving now." I thanked him and turned away before JiYoung said,

"Going already?" I turned around and saw him smirking. That smirk is really annoying.

I sighed and explained, "I'm starting tomorrow cuz I'll have to move out to your preobably messy dorm."

"My dorm is not messy though."

"Mmmhmmmm" I said not believing him and leaving to go to my home and start taking the boxes to his dorm.

-at home-

"Umma, Appa, I'm Home" I yelled as soon as I entered through the door. I looked at my handwatch.. 2:30pm. I better bring down the boxes now. Starting to climb the stairs to my room and in the way I saw my Umma on my way there.

"AhYoung welcome back~" She greeted me with her usual cheerful voice. "Where are you going?? Let's eat together one last time before you leave the house. Come on, lunch is ready!"

"But Umma, I have to bring the boxes downstairs."

"You can do that later, come on it's gonna get cold!" She dragged me to each lunch with them.

We talked about a lot of things and I had so much fun, too much fun that I lost track of time. I glanced at the clock that said 3pm..

Oh my god I'm so late!! "Ahhh I totally forgot about the time! I need to get my boxes down!" I was about to run to my room when someone rang the door bell.

I hurriedly opened the dooor to find JiYoung infront of the door, really pissed off. "You!"

"My name is GDragon or JiYoung."

"What are you doing here?!"

"Since there was no one to take your stuff I have to bring them." He pointed at the truck behind him. Explains why he is so mad..

"Ah okay but.. the boxes are upstairs. Would you mind helping me..?"

"Huuuuh?? Why would I?! In the first place you should've brought them down before I came!" He looked like he got more mad.

"Nevermind just wait until I bring it down." I rolled my eyes in annoyance. What a gentleman..

I climbed the stairs to get my boxes and they were hella heavy cuz while coming down I felt like I was gonna fall down. Umma peaked her head through the kitchen and asked, "AhYoung-Ah, do you need help?"

"I would appriciapte-" I was cut of by Umma when she said,

"Oh my god honey come here! It's GDragon by the flesh!"

"Where? Where? Oh my god GD what brings you here~?" My dad said looking like a fangirl.

I know my parrents are huge fans of BIGBANG but your daughter is struggling here! Come help her out please?!

While my parents were busy talking to JiYoung I tried to get this done with and bring the boxes down but I accidentally fell. I screamed and closed my eyes waiting for the impact. But there wasn't one..

I opened my eyes and found myself in JiYoung's arm with him on the floor. "W-Wha.." I was confused about what just happned just now.

Did he protect me..?

"Ouchh, geez you are so clumzy you know that?" He said rubbing his back in pain.

"It wouldn't have happened if you just helped me!" I argued. "But.. thanks anyway.." I blushed a bit.

He looked a bit suprised but then looked away and took the box easily, "Come on, I'll help you.."

"Are you okay AhYoung?!" My Umma and Appa asked worriedly.

"Yea.. I'm fine don't worry about me." I replied and stood up with the help of my Appa.



Annyeong marshies~

I'm sorry I updated so late but school is so stressing and there is a lot of work so please bear with me ㅠㅠ

I'll update as much as I can, im sorry again!

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~thanks for reading~

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