Chapter 18- Fall in love with me instead.

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Ahyeong P.O.V

I was finishing off my makeup with final touches when my phone rang, notifying me that someone had texted me.

I opened my phone to talk a look and frowned. Jaehwa texted me saying 'We need to talk.'

I don't want to. I want to forget all this, run away from it and pretend like i'm still dating him..

Unlocking my phone, I pressed on his convo and wrote 'I'm not in Seoul right now..'

Ding! My phone rang again and this time it said 'Can't you just call?'

I didn't answer, I put the phone inside my bag and ran out the room to the elevator where Jiyong was waiting for me.

I opened the car and started the engine, starting to drive to our destination.

VIXX's Error's instrumental started playing from my phone, it was my ringtone. The traffic light was red so i reached out for my bag and took out the phone.

"Jagi <3"

I declined the call and placed my phone in the cup holder faced down.

The light became green and I started to drive again.

It rung again and once again I declined the call.

But then again, and again, and again.

On the 6th time it rung Jiyong looked up from his phone and said "This person is very persistent..." He then looked at me "Are you sure you shouldn't pick it up?"

"I don't want to. It's Jaehwa." I don't know why but everytime he asks about things like this my heart softens and I end up opening up to him, he doesn't even need to try and convince me to tell him..

"Hmm.." I felt him staring at the phone coldly. He reached out for it and picked up the call.

"Hey! Don't!" I said looking at him then looking at the streets again.

"Ahyeong!" I could hear Jaehwa say since the volume was to it's maximum.

"Stop bothering her, she doesn't wanna talk to you." Jiyong said bluntly.

"Who are you..?"

"Kwon Jiyong."

I stopped at the parking place in our destination and tried to take my phone from him but didn't succeed.

"Ahh, yes. You're GD."


"Are you happy now? We are having this fight because of you. Because you wouldn't Ahyeong leave even a bit. I really dislike you, you know that?" Jaehwa blamed him for everything.

"Because of Jiyong?" I asked trying to surpass my anger. "Don't you dare blame him!! I'll just have you know that I'm the one who chose this job and we discussed this together. You agreed to it."

"Because I didn't know they'd take you away from me-"

"No one took me away from you!" I screamed letting out all the emotions I was feeling that night. "It was you who pushed me away! You who liked and cheated on me with another girl! You.." I started to cry "You were the one who stopped liking me...."

Jiyong closed the phone and opened the door, walking to me at a fast pace. He opened my door and dragged me from my wrist.

My eyes widened in surprise when Jiyong said "D-don't cry.." He was blushing madly and avoided my eyes that 'pervy Jiyong' act seemed to completely be demolished.

He ruffled his hair and mumbled "Thank god we came here..." Then said in a loud voice "Come, I'll show you something."

The idol held my hand and took me in a forest-like park that was beside the shooting place. We walked deeper into the park then he stopped at a huge tree.

I was confused when i saw the tree but slowly understood when we climbed to it.

It was a beautiful scenery of the whole city. "I usually come here alone when I'm stressed about my work." He started. "It's so beautiful it makes you calm down and organize your thoughts again before moving on.. for me at least.."

I sat down under the tree and stared at the scenery, still amazed.

Jiyong sat down beside me. "Shouldn't you take care of your relationship instead of running away from it?"

I stayed silent since i have nothing to say cuz I know what he is saying is right. "Believe me I've tried it, It doesn't make you feel any better. You have to live with the stress knowing that you didn't sort things out right yet."

"Jiyong you.." I brought my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them "Have you ever had a situation like this? Where the other person in the relationship likes someone else.."

"Mm, I have. Exactly the same situation happened to me, in fact." I looked at him, that's why he seemed cold when I was walking about what happened the other day.

"I admire you." I huffed a laugh as he looked at me confused. "You had a situation like mine yet you got over it. You are very famous but that means you are always under stress and haters are constantly looking for your mistakes and yet you stay standing strong."

"I wonder if it's called 'being strong' or 'acting strong'."

"I believe Jiyong is strong hearted, more than normal people anyway."

After that sentence it was silent between us as we just looked down at the city.

After about 2-3 minutes or so I started again,

"I wonder.. How you can get over someone you loved so much?"

He looked at me but stayed silent, I looked him in the eyes, with tears threatening to fall. It felt hard to talk but i still said "If I break up with him, how do i get over him...?"

Not being able to bear my heart that hurt a lot, my tears started to fall uncontrollably.

His eyes widened a bit then, quickly, he took me into a hug. "Didn't I tell you not to cry..? It hurts to see you like this."

Jiyong then pulled out of the hug and wiped my tears with his thumbs "I'll help you get over him, so fall in love with me instead."

He said seriously as he looked straight into my eyes.





I love this chapter so much i just- I'm sorry anyway be sure tO LEAVE A COMMENT I REALLY WANNA SEE WHAT YOU THINK OF THIS CHAPTER ARRASEO??

I love you guys for reading my story, seriously. you are the best!!!

~thank you for reading!~

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