Chapter 17- It really is an unrequited love.

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Jiyong P.O.V

I was dead tired, I think I was half-awake while walking to the hotel room. I just wanted to sleep so I said something so stupid like 'we'll take the room', or something like that?

Jiyong, are you stupid or what? Sleep in the same room as manager? WHY- Well it was too late to complain now, we were in front of the room door.

She opened the door slowly with the card she had. One big bed. Oh god why.......

I entered and started complaining, "It's even small... Good job on choosing a room manager, you're the worst."

Manager started to freak out as she saw the one bed in the middle of the room and one small chair. "Jiyong-ssi.." She started.

"What's with the formalities?"

"I wish you luck sleeping on the floor." Ahyeong used formal language and bowed then jumped on the bed.

"I am NOT sleeping on the floor!" I protested.

"So then what are you gonna do? Sleep on the bed?"

"Yes I am, and you'll be the one sleeping on the floor." I flashed an innocent smile at her.

She gasped "How dare you say that to a girl!!!!"

"Then just sleep on the bed with me. It's just one night besides it's big enough." I tried to keep a poker face and opened the bag to take out my sleeping clothes.

She stayed silent then took her clothes to change and entered the bathroom without saying a word. I raised my shoulders and took off my clothes to finish changing before she comes out.

I slumped against the bed and sat on my phone. Manager came out of the bathroom wearing a baby blue sleeveless shirt and shorts that had the same colour, then purple flower patterns.

She seemed nervous and cute I was totally fanboying in the inside. I smiled looking her.

Ahyeong frowned then slowly climbed up on the bed. I saw her coming towards me while walking on her legs and hands. I got nervous IS SHE GONNA-- My fantasies were utterly destroying when she suddenly pushed me off bed and onto the floor.

"Be a gentlemen and sleep on the floor." She smiled then threw on me the pillow and closed the lights.

"Where is my blanket... it's cold.."

"There is only one. Endure in tonight only~" She sang.

I sighed and tried sleeping.

1... 2... 3... 4... 5...

The light opened again as i looked up and found her looking at me worriedly. She then said "Come sleep on the bed."

My eyes widened. "You actually care....." I looked at her with puppy eyes, teasing her.

"Hahaha very funny" She used sarcasm as she pulled my arm and dragged me onto the edge of the bed.

The honey-haired girl then went to the other end of the bed and layed down. Before closing the lights she narrowed her eyes to me then warned "DON'T TRESPASS MY PRIVATE SPACE, YOU HEAR ME?" Her cheeks were tinted red which i found very cute~!

"Mm~ ok~" I reassured then the room became dark.

5 minutes only passed, yet here she is in deep sleep.

As for me, I feel like the i'm not sleepy all her fault! I'm too nervous to sleep.

She turned in her sleep to face me. Her hair strands that came on her face, her fair skin, fragile looking body, I came to think of all of these things in that moment.

I came a bit closer to her and put the strands of hair out of the way and behind her ears. I caressed her face slowly and whispered "It really is an unrequited love. Look at how carelessly you're sleeping.."

I, unconsciously I WASN'T IN MY RIGHT MIND WHEN I DID THIS, brought her close to me and hugged her.

She felt like she might break any moment now, like she needed protection. "I wish.. You'd be even a bit nervous around me. I wish your heart would skip a beat for me.." I hugged her a bit more tightly when saying that.

My eyelids started to feel heavy as i drifted away to sleep.

Ahyeong P.O.V

I woke up and surprisingly, the sun wasn't blinding me. Then I realised that something was blocking the sun from me.. What is this..?

I felt a hot breath on the top of my head. After like 5 minutes, I fully woke up and finally realized I was between the arms of a man. and who is a man here eXCEPT FREAKING JIYONG OH MY GOD WHY IS JIYONG--

I quickly pushed him hard from me, waking him up in the process. He woke up, confused like always "Huh?" He muttered.

"This time i'm sure i wasn't the one at fault but you!!" I referred to the past when i accidentally slept in his room, blushing furiously.

My cheeks and ears felt hot, and my heart was beating so fast i could hear it. I was panicking even more than before.

He seemed to remember last night as he widened his eyes and put his head on the bed and screamed "Forgive me!!"

Seeing him like that, i must've panicked even more. I put my hand over my chest "W-W-What did you do?!"

"Wait wait I didn't do anything, I promise!"

I squinted my eyes to him being a bit doubtful, but then after a few seconds i gave up and said "I'll trust you.. Then why did i wake up in that position?"

He looked away and said "I don't know.."

"Liar!" I ruffled my hair and looked at the clock. 6AM, I should get up and get ready.

"Anyway.. I'll go in first to get ready.. you can rest until i finish." I avoided his eyes and hopped off bed, going into the toilet.

I washed my face with cold water because my face was burning red!

No, you're not in love with him it just made you feel flustered- WHY AM I THINKING THAT I'M IN LOVE WITH HIM?!

I think i was going crazy, I was just so confused about everything.

Jiyong P.O.V

She dashed to the bathroom and closed the door hard behind her.

Uggh Kwon Jiyong why did you do that? I hit my head, regretting it. I wonder if she'll be angry..

Remembering what i did last night, I blushed a bit and patted the back of my hand on my cheeks "Her body was so fragile though.. I wanted to stay hugging her forever.."

I shook my head and went over to my bag "Anyway~~!! What clothes am i gonna wear today~?" I asked myself to distract me from the thought.

Sighh so much for wanting to get over her.. I hung my head low sulking that i'm not making any progress AT ALL.




Anyone watched the MMA today? TOP's speech made me cry even though i didn't understand what he was saying. 😟😟😭Congrats to BIGBANG that deserved every award they got and Thank you VIPs for always being with our boys.

Let's continue to support then for another 10, 20 and 30 years!!

I hope you like this chappie~

~thank you for reading~

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