Chapter 23- They were love birds

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Jiyong P.O.V

While talking to my members, I realized the elevator door open since i was facing it. The elevator fully opened and the light, from the elevator, was shining ever so brightly compared to this club-like room.

My smile disappeared, mostly because i was shocked upon seeing her.

The one and only girl that made me feel pain, sadness, tremendous happiness  and more importantly fall madly in love with her.

It was Kiko.

Kiko is a American-Korean model, she often comes to korea because of magazine shoots but she lives in Japan. I didn't expect her to come, especially not here of all places.

I wasn't in my right mind, everything that was going on in my head went blank as my legs started moving at their own will towards her.

Ahyeong P.O.V

Shortly after Kiko Mizuhara steps out of the elevator, I saw Jiyong walk towards her.

I suddenly flashed back the news and articles titles I read concerning these two couple.

'G-Dragon And Kiko Mizuhara Reportedly Still Dating, According To Insiders'

'YG Entertainment Responds To Rumors Of G-Dragon and Kiko Mizuhara At Hotel Together'

'G-Dragon and Kiko Mizuhara Reportedly Break Up'

Reading all those articles in the past made me automatically think that she was his ex-girlfriend. With that thought, came a pang that directly hit my heart. I started feeling it aching.

"Ahyeong~~ let's go! I'll introduce you to 2NE1!!" Dara said excitedly. She didn't seem to bother much about it, like it was a normal thing.

I decided to go with the flow, it doesn't concern me either after all. "Ok! Let's go!" I said smiling as she took my wrist and took me to where her members were.

I felt nervous meeting them, especially CL.. She doesn't seem approachable!!

"H-hello, my name is Jeon Ahyeong..." I said so awkwardly i wanted to hide in a hole and never come back again.

Bom came from behind me and put her shoulders around me, "Jiyong's manager right?! I always see you with him~"

I was so awkward with them, as usual, but i managed to get along. During my conversations with the girl group I kept glancing on Jiyong and Kiko together.

I saw Jiyong smiling a smile that seemed to be awkward. I wonder if they are uncomfortable around each other? ... because they aren't together anymore.

Jiyong P.O.V

I walked to her and she instantly turned her face to me, then smiled. "Hey.." She said.

"O-oh, yea, hey." I was surprised a bit since i didn't think she'd even talk to me. "How've you been..?" I asked, in quite an awkward tone.

"Fine, you?"

"I'm hanging in there."

And that was it. Not another word came out from us after that sentence. We are really awkward with each other, I know, but what do you expect us to be? I mean, i can't act normally around my ex anymore.. Especially not her..

Ahyeong P.O.V

Dara patted me on my shoulders, and that was when i finally averted my eyes from Jiyong and Kiko.

"You jealous~?" She teased me slightly.

"What? Noo way in hell." I laughed, then looked back.

"Hmm, i wonder.." she mumbled under her breath, I could hear it though. 

"I'm just curious about their relationship." I ignored what she said and pretended i didn't hear it. "I mean, I'm just a new manager so i know almost nothing about his past except what i see on the news."

"Well the scandals on the news were right." She said. I turned to face her, wanting to hear about their back story.

"I shouldn't tell you about it though, I don't think it's my right~" I felt great disappointment.

"Ahh, come on, unni!! please!!" I begged.

"Why do you wanna know?"

"I'm just curious."

"Is that really all there is to it?"

"What else would i be?" I tilted my head.

"I wonder if you're in denial so much that you are believing your own lies or are you're just dense..?"

I stayed quiet because honestly i didn't understand what she was saying right now.

"They were in a long distance relationship, those two." Bom started explaining. "Seriously, just tell her already." She said to Dara.

Dara sighed, "As you probably knew, that girl lives in Japan. She comes here often for magazine shoots and she has many relationships with YGE, that was how she met Jiyong."

"They were love birds, head over heels for each other." CL joined in the explanation.

"Ok but since you are using past tense, then they broke up..?" I asked.

"Yep. Scandals were all over about them dating for years and Kiko always wanted to go public about it.."

"But since Jiyong is so loyal to his job and is a workaholic, he didn't want to tell the media. Am i right?" I continued what CL was saying since i could pretty much guess that's what he'd do.

"Exactly." Dara said, "And that just made Kiko feel insecure about their relationship, especially since she was in Japan most of the time."

"But she endured it for I think 5 years, right?"

"You're right, not going public wasn't the reason of their break up but it did play a huge factor." Dara continued, "It was actually recently that they broke up, it was in the beginning of the year. Jiyong started composing and working like crazy after YG sajangnim announced that BIGBANG are gearing for a comeback."

"They didn't meet for 4 months, and while Jiyong was using Kiko as the motivation to work, she drifted away from him" Bom said, with a frown.

"Next time she met him, she wanted to break up with the excuse that he was too focused on work and that she didn't feel like she loved him anymore." Dara said, her voice sounded a bit cold.

They didn't seem fond of the model.

"He lost motivation to write songs, you see. From the day she dumped him, till the day you became his manager, he didn't write or compose anything, at all. If he did manage to write a song, it would be of low quality and sajangnim wouldn't accept it."

I could only stay quiet, I felt like I ruined the mood for them since they all seemed to be sad or angry. The members of 2NE1 really cared for Jiyong.

The only thing that went through my mind at that moment was

Ah, so he was just like me..




Sajangnim = CEO Yang (Or papa yg)

Since today is valentines, I wrote 2 chapters for you!! Love ya all~

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~thank you for reading!~

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