Chapter 40 - Two mysterious figures

Start from the beginning

The more she thought about it the more certain she became.

Lairith! Thelopi!

She sprinted towards the beach, as she got closer she was certain that they were here. What she didn't expect was to see her brother mercilessly throw down a large man she did not recognise but due to his scent, she could tell that he was the same as Austin.

It looked like they have noticed her presence yet since they had not looked at her direction once, but the moment she felt killing intent seep from them she quickly rushed to their side to stop them from killing some under Austin and do something troublesome. They were on someone else's territory so they have to abide by their rules.

"Lairith! Thelopi! Stop!"

The two whipped their heads towards her direction. The moment Lairith saw her she immediately let go of the arm in her hand that was on the verge of breaking. The man grunted gripping his hand in pain before he could feel it slowly heal 'son of bitch that hurt!'

"Amara..." Her look of surprise melted into relief at the sight of her unharmed. Her eyes that were vicious only moments ago immediately softened at the sight of her.

Amara kept running towards them with no indication of slowing down. She could faintly hear Austin calling out to be careful but her heart was beating with too much excitement. It felt like forever since the last time she saw them both, the cause of her longing.

Lairith opened her arms ready to catch her, the force in which she ran to her was enough for Lairith to take a step back to balance herself. Amara buried her face in her neck, relishing in the scent of her sister. She had never left their side for so long causing their embrace to be filled with relief and security. She soon reaches out to her brother bringing him into their embrace.

Austin could do nothing but silently stand on the side, clearly forgotten by his mate but the moment he saw the man was closing in on Amara he was ready to pull him back but stopped himself when he saw the pure happiness on her face.

He relaxed the fist that was slowly forming in his hand. He took a deep breath and crossed his arms, slightly sulking at the fact that he was completely and utterly forgotten.

After a while, Lairith slowly pulled away from their embrace, bringing her forehead to her hers and gently held her cheek. The intimate action may surprise other people but this was completely normal to them.

"We were so worried, we've been searching for you for weeks," her voice slightly shook, showing the fear that was hidden within her.

"Are you alright?" Thelopi asked in their native language, he looked past Amara causing his gaze to land on Austin, "Did they hurt you?" His gaze was filled with hostility; his fangs began to appear, ready to bare them against anyone who hurt his sister.

Amara shook her head "No brother, they weren't the ones who captured me. The ship that captured me sunk because of a storm and I was able to escape,"

"So are the hunters dead?" He asked.

Amara lowered her head in disappointment "Some of them but the one who captured me escaped... I was too weak to finish him off,"

She thought back to the moment where she let her capture slip away, if only she wasn't so weak she would have slit their throats before mercilessly drowning them as revenge.

Seeing the regret in her eyes, Thelopi gently patted her head, "It's alright, as long as you're well,"

Austin silently and patiently watched as Amara talked to the two mysterious figures. Although he didn't like it that they were touching so much he endured it in fear that Amara might come to hate him if he were too controlling. He saw that the way they interacted was platonic and that there wasn't anything more conspiring between them.

As they continued to converse, he couldn't understand a word they were saying but got the vibe that it was something unpleasant seeing the faces on the two figures.

Austin looked at the two mysterious figures, he was sure that they were sirens just like Amara; it wasn't hard to figure out considering how beautiful and enticing they were, not to mention the seductive aura they were naturally emanating.

Seeing the three sirens together would be enough to knock a person off their feet, the visual impact would be too much for normal people. Even he has difficulty believing such beautiful creatures existed. If such an existence were to be discovered then there would be dire consequences, he could imagine that they would be hunted down and put on display.

He shook his head, he couldn't let that happen. While deep in thought he couldn't help but notice someone staring at him, he lifted his head and was met with hostile eyes coming from the woman beside Amara. He wondered what he had done to deserve such hostility being directed at him.

"Amara, who is he?" Asked Lairith coldly. She had an intense dislike of men, she found them disgusting and dirty. She thought that they were creatures that were only driven by their lust and desire. The only thing they were useful for was for reproduction and a good meal, and seeing her sister so close to one immediately garnered her hostility.

Her fangs and claws began to appear, getting ready to slice his throat open if he were to come any closer. Amara hurriedly grabbed her arm and looked at her with panic, desperately shaking her head. This cause Lairith to still and looked at her weirdly, she has never seen her sister react so strongly to anything before.

Amara looked at Lairith with eyes begging her not to touch him, though confused she could only relent as she didn't want to see her act like this anymore, she gently patted her head and retracted her claws and fangs, silently telling her she won't do anything.


Not gonna lie, the reason why this chapter took so long was because I was procrastinating 😅

Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote if you like it ahaha

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