Last christmas (JS)

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It was Christmas of 1916.John has been gone for 3 years. He was in the war of was a horrible time for everyone who's family or friends where fighting in it. We had to all stick together me polly and Ada were each others rocks and we had to keep the business running but we all done it together.
Monday 23rd December
The boys letters arrived I went into my room to opens John's.
Dear (y/n)
Happy Christmas I love and miss you so much. The whole of this week the only memories that are playing on my mind is the last Christmas's I spent with you if there was any way of coming back and seeing you I would but unfortunately I can't but I will just keep thinking of our special times.
Christmas Eve 1910
(Y/N) John stop it it.
A loud laugh bubbled from our throats and filled the living room with us.
John was tickling my sides making me laugh more.
John: just say it (y/n) I'm your favourite Shelby and I will stop.
(Y/N):fine your my favourite.
He kissed me on my lips and placed my hair behind my ears.
John:I love you
(Y/n): I love you but your not my favourite Shelby.
I ran as soon as I said it and John was just as quick and was now chasing me around the house loud laughs could be heard in every corner of the house.
I smiled thinking back to this this was the first time he said he loved me.
Christmas Eve 1912
Me and John had finally moved into our own flat it was small but it was was the best we could afford we were both still only young and our jobs never paid much as I was working as a part time nurse and John was in the family business.we where finally putting up our stockings when John tapped my shoulder I turned around but not to be met with John's face instead I was met with the top of his head and his face now tilted up towards me. He was on his knees years stared to brim my eyes and my vision became blurry.
John:(y/n) I've loved you since I can remember will you do the honour of becoming my wife?
(Y/n):of course John.... I love you John Shelby
John:I love you soon to be mrs Shelby.
Christmas Eve 1913
Me and John where sitting by the fire with the record player on in the back ground. The war was fast approaching but we finally had something to enjoy and not worry about the war.
John: Are you comfortable darling.
(Y/n)I am thank you very much mr Shelby.
John: anything for you mrs Shelby
I still couldn't believe that we were married we had been for  11 months but it never got repetitive when he called me mrs Shelby.
We then turned the record player off and was getting into bed getting ready for tomorrow.we have each other a kiss and was on bed for around 8.30.
10 on Christmas Eve night
(Y/n) John wake up my water have just broke.I said in a raised and panicked voice.
1/2 later
John: I'm so proud of you.
Merry Christmas (y/n) and thank you for bringing the most beautiful daughter into this world. And happy Christmas Mary Ada Shelby.
Present day
As I though of all these memories tears where poring down my face and my eyes were still full with more.
Mary:mummy what's the matter?
I quickly wiped my tears and brought her into a hug.
Y/n: come on Mary let's get into bed before Santa comes.
As I tucked Mary into bed I went to the bedroom window
(Y/N): I love you John Shelby stay safe and come back to us soon.
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed it this one was probably one of my favourites to write also I was watching it's a wonderful life while writing I would definitely recommend it if you haven't watched it already stay safe everyone I love you all ❤️

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