Isaiah jesus

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Michaels childhood friend came to visit but she got more than what she bargained for.slight Micheal xreader.
"Micheal" I shouted him he looked much older now and not the innocent boy that dreamed about blowing the white wishing well up.He was much taller and had a bruise on the top of his cheekbone.
I was engulfed in a hug which felt like home.
Micheal-"ave missed you the phone calls wasn't enough"
Y/N-"well I'm here now"
I touched the top of his check where the bruise was sitting.instead of flinching he leaned into my touch.we hadn't seen each other in 2 years last time I seen him he was "Henry".But Micheal looked like he was thriving.
We walked through the streets of small Heath laughing about when we where younger. My body collided with someone much taller and stronger than me. I looked up and was met with the most beautiful brown eyes.
Y/N "oh my god I'm so sorry"
Isaiah "you shouldn't use the lords name in vein sweet heart where you been hiding this one Michal"
I looked at Micheal confused he knew this man.
Micheal "Isaiah this is (Y/N),(Y/N) this is Isaiah the one I told you about on the telephone.
Isaiah "all good things I hope"
I smiled at this he was everything the boys back home wasn't he was confident and cocky but not in a bad way. As I took him fully in I noticed a matching bruise to Michaels and bruised knuckles.
Micheal "where going back to the garrison for drinks do you want to come?
Isaiah "only if Y/N doesn't mind"
Y/N " I don't mind at all it will be nice to get to know people since I'm gonna be here for a while"
We ordered our drinks
Isaiah " sure you will be able to keep up with us"
Y/N "don't worry about me it's Micheal you will be carrying home tonight.
Micheal " aye you I'm not bad now I can handle myself"
Y/N "sure you can like the time on the field outside the village and I had to walk you back to my house"
We carried on this banter for hours Isaiah was enjoying listening to our stories as I was when he spoke it was like my full attention was on his eyes when he spoke you could see how they would light up when he was excited about something.
The next morning-
I was walking down the stairs of Polly's who was even more lovely than I could have imagined.
Isaiah "Micheal you didn't tell me she was gorgeous and is funny"
Y/N " who's the lucky lady Isaiah?"
Isaiah "I was just telling Micheal that your gorgeous and ask you on a date.
My checks flushed at this.
Y/N " is that what you say to all the new girls in town mr jesus.
Isaiah "only the really pretty ones"
Y/N "well then yes I'd really like to go on a date with you"
Time skip
I felt like I had knew polly forever she made me feel at home and welcome and comfortable. We were currently having a cup of tea because Micheal had to run into work.
Polly "so I believe Isaiah asked you on a date"
Y/N " he did"
Polly "what are you gonna wear then"
I showed polly my dress and she helped me with my make up.
Polly "your like our Ada don't need any at all because your pretty"
I'd only been here 2 days and I felt comfortable more with Micheal and polly than I did in that stupid village.
Y/N "thank you polly"
The door opened and Micheal walked in.
Micheal "well don't you look beautiful"
Y/N " thank you Micheal"
I went over and kissed his check.then the door bell went.
Isaiah "I think I'm the luckiest man in this whole city tonight, you look gorgeous"
Y/N "oh shush you but thank you"
We walked to the picture house to see the new Charlie chapman movie.
As we walked back to pollys the rain started falling down.
Isaiah "do you want my jacket"
Y/N " thank you my kind sir but let's just enjoy the rain"
Isaiah " as you wish my fair lady"
The rain started getting heavier and we then stared to run but as quickly as we started I stopped.
He was a little a head of me he started jogging back down to me and as soon as he was by my feet I leaned up to him and looked into his beautiful eyes and we kissed. Everything seemed to stop all the factory noises were gone just us and the rain hitting out skin.The heat I felt through my body quickly made me forget about the cold droplets. His rough hands wrapped around my waist so delicately it was if they where made to fit. As we slowly pulled away I leaned my head on his.
Isiah: " I definitely am the luckiest man in the whole world"
Y/N "I think I might just be as lucky as you are then" we then embraced each other again our lips found there way back to each other.
I was happy I finally came down to small Heath because I know I found my person.

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