"Well... let's just say i'm alive" she said, slightly dodging the question.

"But you said you were feeling better" Sapnap said a bit worried.

"Nick 'better' is a relative concept when you're fighting a malign tumor to the heart" she responded in an obvius tone, her voice did sound weaker now that he payed attention to it.

"Will you be ok?" Dream asked, she sighed "The doctors say my body is fighting it so i guess i'm good for now. Hopefully i can stop taking this fucking pills soon" 


"Oh sorry Bad" she apologized, making George snicker.

"So what now?" he asked, she stayed silent for a moment, thinking "How about we play some minecraft together? Is the only game i have installed on this shitty laptop" 

"Angela!" Bad shouted again, she giggled.

"You really want to play minecraft after living in a IRL version of it for five years?" Dream asked a bit incredulous.

"Well... i've always been a builder... i like building stuff ya know? Don't judge me, there's nothing else to do for me here in the hospital aside from building stuff" she responded.

 "Are you good at it?" Bad asked, she scoffed "Dude have you seen my bases? I built a carbon copy of l'Manberg and several castles around the world" she said in an annoyed tone.

Dream placed a hand under his chin, an idea sprouting in his mind.

"Would you be up to build something on request?" he asked, she stayed silent a moment, being caught off guard.

"You mean... like a monument or something like that? Sure" she responded, a grin spread on Dream's face.

"Then what do you think about joining the Dream SMP and becoming our official builder?" he asked, the call fell silent for several seconds.

"Hold on.... WHAT?!?" she shouted, Sapnap had to take off his headset, his ears ringing.

"Are you serious?" she asked, holding the screen of her laptop.

"Of course, you'll be in charge of decorating l'Manberg and build new structures on our accord, you'll be also allowed to build you own house of course" Dream explained.

"Does that mean... i'll also appear on your videos?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement.

"Yup" Bad responded, she let out an happy laugh "Yes! I accept!"

From that day forward Angela logged in the server everyday, decorating and building new beautiful monuments, in fact, the first thing she built, aside from her house was a sculpture of Borealis right outside it. 

The house itself was pretty basic, a 4x4 box dug inside a mountain, a trapdoor present on the far left side, connected to a staircase that went all the way to the bedrock, she basically built an upside-down pyramid inside, turning it into a gigantic warehouse with well organized chest, all labeled.

Tommy often stole from it so she decided to hide all the important stuff either in her enderchest or in a hidden room.

Weeks went by, Angela was discharged from the hospital and went back home, she warned them she wouldn't be able to join the server for a few days because she wanted to spend some time with her family and friends.

"When will you be back?" Sapnap asked over the mic "I think by monday, we have some guests during the week-end. Some of my closest friends are coming over to visit me" she responded.


Monday rolled around and, as she promised, around 2 pm (8 pm for her) she logged on the SMP, joining the vc where the dream team was.

"Hey fellas" she greeted, receiving a round of hi from the others.

"How was your week-end Angela?" Sapnap asked.

"Amazing! I got to see my friends after five years. Let's just say that things became... teary. In a good way though!" she explained, happiness clearly present in her voice, it made Nick smile.

"Hey Angela can i ask you something?" Dream asked "Sure"

"Why don't you turn your webcam on?" he asked, she stayed silent for a moment.

"Oh well... it was because i was in hospital and i didn't want you to see me with a tons of tubes running in and out of me. But i guess i can activate it now since i'm back at home" she said, fondling with her laptop for quite a bit.

"You're having some troubles there?" Bad asked after she kept going for about ten minutes, not earning any response from her laptop.

"I suck with computers, how do i do this?" she asked, slightly annoyed, the others giggled. After Sapnap guided her through the steps, she managed to turn it on in a few minutes.

"Can you see me now?" 

"Yes, we can" he responded, a large smile appearing on his face, she let out a sigh "Finally!" she pulled her hand up, giving them a wave "Hi guys".

Her hair was darker, a light brown, just like her eyes, her skin was a bit pale but other than that she looked just like they remembered her, a warm smile always present on her face.

"You are beautiful" Sapnap whispered a hand darting on his mouth as he realized what he said, Angela blushed a bit, looking away "I... thanks" she mumbled.

"Get a room!" Dream shouted, making Bad and George giggle, Angela blushed harder.

"Shut the fuck up Dream!" Sapnap shouted, his cheeks bright red.


The days kept going by, as nothing really important happened aside from a few small wars sparked by Tommy, which caused quite some damages to l'Manberg. Angela was quite pissed, since she was the one who had to repair it, so she decided to prank him. She placed a thread at the entrance of his house, so when Tommy walked over it, the floor under him will open, making him fall into a deep pit filled with cobweb and soulsand, which will take him ages to escape.

She giggled at the thought of him falling into her trap while streaming, cursing left and right while he slowly made his way towards the exit.

She placed the last piece of redstone, trowing an item over the thread to trigger it, the floor opened right in front of her, closing a few seconds later. She grinned.

"This is going to be so fu-" she stopped mid-sentence, feeling a her heart skip a few beats, she clenched her chest, air not flowing inside her lungs.


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