16- Santa makes a special visit

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Harmony laid awake, watching Jasper sleep, breathe, and twitch from whatever he was dreaming about. She was still in awe with what they shared, how loving and romantic he was with her, how he made her feel, and the words he spoke before falling asleep. Harmony felt like she was falling in love again, and she owed her changing ways all to Jasper. She also felt he was a dream she thought would never come true, and here he was, lying with her, naked, sound asleep with his arm draped over her body, unknowingly telling her how much he loved her as he slept.

Gabriel was Harmony's first and only true love, and after he passed, she always thought no one could ever compare to him. But Jasper just proved her thoughts to be wrong, and as she thought back to what happened between them, she was afraid to admit that Jasper was a better lover.

Jasper brought colors back into her life, and in such a short time, it showed her even more of what kind of soul he truly has, and the love she was feeling for him was rapidly growing, with it also growing stronger and stronger each day.

She laid her head on his chest. And the second she felt and heard the drums of his beating heart against her ear, it took her breath away, causing her to open her eyes further and to see he was her dream come true after talking, negotiating, and begging Gabriel to help her find the one man to take his place. She thought he was never listening, but now that Jasper is here, showing her what he has been, she now knows Gabriel was, in fact, listening. Even though Jasper was the man she dreamed of having in her life, she never thought it would come true, and she never mentioned it to anyone, not even to her therapist.

When Jasper arrived and began showing her the way back to her heart, she didn't want to believe it was happening. She was afraid to see and feel it and fought hard with herself to not believe it was happening.

This particular moment had her wishing time to remain still as the Christmas blues she had been feeling for years were finally fading away. She finally felt the best she's ever felt, and she wanted to get out of bed to dance whatever blues that remained inside her away. She slowly tilted her head back and stared at Jasper for the longest time, then whispered, "Thank you."

Harmony knew when she decided to move on from Gabriel; it would be hard and that it was going to hurt. But she also knew it would take time, dedication, and willpower to let go of who she refused to allow herself to move on from for the past three years. She also had a goal, one she wanted to reach by herself. And she knew if she stuck to her decision to move forward with her life, not only for herself but also for her girls, she knew it would all be worth it in the end.

She was determined not to give up, and she wanted to accomplish the goals she set forth to make her and everyone around her happy.

All the thinking she was doing wore her out, and as she laid content in Jasper's arms, she finally closed her eyes and fell asleep.


Jasper awoke feeling like a new man, and as he laid watching her sleep, thinking about how he finally made her his, he smiled.

Not only was he overjoyed, but he was also as hard as a steel pole.

Harmony was used to feeling eyes staring at her in the mornings, and having that feeling there was a pair of blue eyes watching her, she opened her eyes. And she was right. She adjusted her hand underneath her cheek and smiled. "Hi," she quietly said.

"Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?"

"I did," she hummed. "How about you?"

"I slept like a baby, and I awoke like a new man. And now, I'm fucking hard as a rock," he grinned.

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