22- The big decision

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Amelia and Zoe climbed onto Jasper's lap, handing him the tablets he bought for them, with Amelia asking, "What are we supposed to do with these? My mom downloaded a bunch of games for us to play, but she said you had something else to show us."

He looked at Amelia with a huge grin forming on his face. There was a surprise he had for them, and he'd been waiting days to show them what they'll be able to do whenever they want to see him after he leaves. He lifted one of the tablets, showed them how to turn it on, and pointed to the screen, tapping it. "See this icon right here?"

"Yes," Amelia said.

"If you tap on that, it'll open. Then, if you tap on this picture of me, you'll be able to call me, and once I answer, we will be able to see each other's faces while talking to each other. And just so you girls' know, you can call me anytime. If I don't answer, it doesn't mean I don't want to talk to you. It could be for a few different reasons, as I could be driving, working, or in the middle of something else. But if I see I missed your call, I'll call you right back. Okay?"

Amelia's eyes widened, and a massive smile formed on her little face. "So we can see you on this?"

Jasper nodded. "Yes. You'll see me, and I'll be able to see you." He handed them their tablets back and smiled. "Would you like to see how it works?"

"Yes!" Amelia excitedly said, jumping off his lap.

Jasper chuckled, grabbed his phone off the table, then looked at Amelia. "Call me."

Amelia and Zoe ran to their room, sat on Amelia's bed, and then Zoe looked at Amelia. "Let me hit it."

"Okay, you can hit it this time. Then I get to try it next time."

Zoe pressed on the icon, and when she saw Jasper's face come up, she tapped it, calling him. When Jasper answered, both the girls got excited and giggled. "I see you!" Zoe said.

"Can you hear me?" Jasper asked.

Both girls nodded. "We can see and hear you," Amelia said.

"Now you know how it works," Jasper smiled.

Amelia looked at the tablet, studying it. When she saw the phone icon, she said, "I'm hanging up. It's my turn to call you." She tapped the phone, and after they hung up, she called him back.

"Hello, my two beautiful girls. Are you having fun?" Jasper answered with a smile.

"Uh-huh!" Amelia happily said, with Zoe nodding.

"I'll be looking forward to your phone calls."

"Jasper?" Amelia asked.

"Yes, dear?"

"You're not going to be gone long, right?"

Jasper sighed, "I hope not. I have many businesses to take care of before coming back, and I also have my home to sell. So, I'm hoping not to be away from you too long."

"I wish we could come with you," Zoe said, rubbing her eyes. Then she looked at Amelia. "Don't you wish we can?"

"I would love for you girls' to come along, but I don't see that happening. Your mom has a life here, and I don't see her wanting to leave her job, her friends, or your home..." Jasper paused when he noticed Zoe continuing to rub her eyes and looked over at the time. Seeing it was past their bedtime, he looked back at them, "We'll talk about this later. It's past your bedtime, and if I have you up longer than you should be, your mother will kill me. How about we let the dog outside so she can do her duties, get your pajamas on, and then get you two to bed? Sound good?"

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