14- Christmas party

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Please accept my sincere apology. I didn't mean to upset you in any way. And I wish you would understand what you mean to me. And come tomorrow, I would really enjoy it if you would come to the Christmas party with me. Please...

Harmony stuffed the napkin into her pocket, grabbed Jasper's glass, and set it next to the other dirty glasses. While scrubbing the glasses and placing them into the bar glass washer, she thought of what Jasper had said to her, then thought about going along with him to the Christmas party.

She also wished he would have stayed at the bar instead of leaving and not saying goodnight to her. But then she also felt she didn't blame him for not staying after the horrible things she was calling him. Making her feel like a heel after calling him the names she was, which were names she's never called any man before.

I'm such a bitch... she groaned. A horrible bitch.

Before leaving the casino, she wanted to apologize for her behavior and walked the other way to head to Jasper's room. She knocked a few times, and when he never answered, she felt it was because he knew it was her and that he didn't want to see her.

"Jasper?" She repeatedly said while knocking. "Please answer the door. We need to talk."

She stood and waited, then knocked again, and after still no response, she turned around and left, looking back at door number twenty-five as she walked down the hallway. Then, she removed her phone from her jacket and messaged Jasper as she walked.

Harmony: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you the names that I did. Please forgive me. I was childish, and you didn't deserve any of it. Have a good night.


Jasper awoke with a little headache, and when he rolled to his side and saw his phone flashing, he reached for it and looked to see who it was from. Seeing it was from Harmony, he clicked on the message, read it, then responded.

Jasper: No worries. I hope you slept well.

After sending the first message, he thought about how his response may have sounded and sighed while typing another message. With hope's, she didn't take it the wrong way.

Jasper: Disregard the last message, I'm not quite awake, and I have a little bit of a headache. I know it sounded a bit harsh or like I was mocking you. And that's not how I wanted it to sound. What I meant to say was. I'm not worried about the names you called me. I deserved it. And I hope you weren't up all night thinking I was upset with you because I was not.

He set his phone back down onto the nightstand, then rolled on his back and covered his face with his hands, thinking he should never have drunk the drink Harmony gave him. As he laid there, feeling sorry for himself, his phone rang. Jasper rolled his head to the side, and thinking it was Harmony; he quickly grabbed it. He was just about to answer until he saw it was his sister who was calling.

Why do you always have to call this early in the morning... he groaned, dropping the phone back onto the nightstand.

He would have answered, but then he remembered sending her numerous messages the night before, telling her about Harmony and her kids. And he didn't feel like listening to her tell him how much of a dumb shit he is for falling for a woman with two little ones, who lives roughly fifteen hundred miles away from where he's from.

Knowing what kind of person she was, he knew she would continue calling and keep her from doing so; he sent her a message.

Jasper: I'll call you later. I was drinking last night, and my head is pounding.

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