5- Hoping to open her heart

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Jasper was still in a state of shock over Amelia's response, and the expression on her face while telling him what she wanted more than anything scarred his mind. Every child he has ever dealt with, Amelia was the first child to gain a special piece of his heart. He's had kids whose parents were in the military and overseas, asking if he could bring them home. And he's had kids like Zoe ask for a pet, a brother, and a sister, but he's never had a child like Amelia ask for a dad the way she did. And hearing her tell him her mother cries all the time for one, broke his heart. Jasper hurried out of his Santa suit, then went out to see if he could find Harmony.

He walked around until he saw Celine. He headed towards her, and when Jasper got to her, he got her attention by tapping on her shoulder fast.

"Hey. You haven't seen Harmony around, have you?"

She turned the other way and pointed. "She's right over there. The girls wanted s'mores," she said, turning back to him with a smile. "You know. I have to thank you. Whatever you said to Harmony worked."

He looked back to Harmony and glued his eyes to her, reminding himself of what he said to her. "All I said was the truth. Then I asked that she do the right thing. To bring the girls here and to let them experience something she's hidden from them." He looked back at Celine, thought of Amelia, then sighed, "How depressed is she, anyway?"

Celine frowned a little. "What do you mean? I know she misses Gabriel at times and has a hard time that he's gone. But usually, she's okay. Why?"

He took a deep breath and exhaled while running all his fingers through his hair. He wanted to keep what Amelia said to him a secret. And felt if Harmony was as depressed as Amelia said she was, he felt this was a job for a professional. Not him. "Amelia said something to me tonight, and it had me curious as to how depressed she was."

"As far as I know, she's alright. Harmony has mentioned to me as well as Nick that there are times she misses her husband. But I don't think it's anything bad for any of us to be concerned about."

"Hmmm," he hummed with tightened lips. "I know it's normal to miss the one you love after they have passed, but if Harmony really is depressed, I think you and Nick should hire someone else to help her."

Celine shook her head. She knew she had the right guy that could help her friend, and she also felt it was a bonus for Harmony that Jasper was as good-looking as he was. A real panty-dropper that she was sure Harmony would eventually let her guard down and would allow herself to let go of Gabriel finally and that she would allow herself to move on with her life. "I know you can do this, Jasper. Harmony needs to see and realize that life can go on. And if she can't do it for herself, she needs to do it for her kids."

Jasper nodded in agreement. "Thanks," he said, walking past her and over to Harmony. He stopped behind her, stood there for a second. Listening to her talk to her kids, then he leaned over her shoulder, saying, "I told you I would find you."

Harmony jumped, then her eyes widened after recognizing the voice. She slowly turned her head Jasper's way and nearly dropped her s'more when she felt her lips graze his while turning to look at him. "So, you found me, now what are you going to do?" She breathed, stuttering.

Jasper quietly chuckled. Then he noticed she had some marshmallow stuck to her upper lip and reached his arm around her. The corners of his lips slowly raised as his thumb gently pressed on her lip and started wiping the gooey marshmallow off her lip. "As hot as it looks to see white shit hanging from your upper lip. I figure I should save you the embarrassment and will clean it off for you," he said lowly as his thumb glided along her lip. Then he stuck his thumb in his mouth and sucked up the marshmallow, moaning, Mmm...

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