Chapter 18

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Noriaki spent the hours waiting for Jotaro to wake up by going over various medical text they'd received from Josuke. Someone on the planet besides Jotaro needed to be an expert on human physiology. Half way through the second tablet of information, Noriaki already had an idea for a genetic booster they wanted to develop for Jotaro that would make living on Zoni much easier.

Apparently, humans were finicky creatures. Jotaro could easily fall prey to any number of everyday items. Luckily, genetics was universal and Noriaki was a skilled geneticist. It wouldn't take any time at all to come up with a booster that would tweak Jotaro's DNA just a smidge and make it so that he had more Zonian like resistances.

They shocked the young Earth Medic by asking for 'more study' after only 2 hours of reading.

"But...that's...that's everything I learned in my first 3 years of medical school..." Josuke whimpered as he took the tablets.

"I read very fast and remember everything." Noriaki explained.

Josuke sighed, "This was all I'm permitted to give. I can ask to give you more. I mean, you're going to need it with Jotaro living here and all..."

Noriaki nodded, "Yes. The more I learn, the more I realize that human physiology is not very compatible with living on Zoni. I will need to know as much as possible if I am to keep my mate safe. I will draft a formal request to your leadership if you believe that will help. I do intend to seek further relations with Earth in the future so I'm sure any treatments I develop for Jotaro, would help any eventual visitors that may wish to come to Zoni."

"I'll ask first. I'm sure once everyone finds out just who Jotaro is marrying...I'll be allowed to give you whatever you need."

"Should it matter who I am? We can't care for him if we know nothing about him."

Josuke winced, "I didn't mean it like that. I'm sure that it being Jotaro, you will get all the information you need."

"Josuke, you are being very confusing."

"Look, all I'm saying is, you shouldn't worry too much about receiving the information you need."

Noriaki nodded, "Thank you Josuke. I appre..."

A groan from across the room cut off their conversation.

"Jotaro? Oh, my Juju! Are you awake?" Noriaki asked as they rushed across the room. They took Jotaro's hand in theirs and kissed his forehead, "Jotaro, can you hear me?"

Jotaro groaned again and turned his face toward the voice, "Nori?"

"Yes, my Juju. I am here."

Jotaro gave the barest nod, "Nori, you ok?

"I am unharmed. You saved me, my Juju. How do you feel?"

"Like shit. Why does my body have that weird pins and needles feeling? It's hard to move."

"You were hit with some pretty nasty stuff there nephew. You're lucky to be alive."


"Yup. The one and only. The old man sent me down to patch you up." Josuke said is he checked Jotaro over.

Jotaro grunted, "How bad?" he asked, trying to keep his eyes open.

"You'll live. That guy hit you with some nasty toxin and you had a pretty severe reaction to it."

"Great. Just great. Is Dio...?"

"We have him detained. He will not see freedom again if I have my way."

"Good..." Jotaro mumbled more as he fell asleep but it couldn't be understood.

Josuke smiled at Noriaki, "See, he'll be just fine."

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