Chapter 29

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Jotaro stood before the small, raised pool of mud and carefully smoothed more of the mud over the exposed surface of the eggs.

"There now. Is that better? You both got a bit dry there." He said softly.

Next to the pool, Noriaki lay in bed watching their mate care for their children with a smile on their face.

They had lain the eggs 6 months before and were still recovering from the laying. The medics told them to take it easy for another couple of months before going back to their normal activities.

The medics also said the eggs would hatch any day now.

Noriaki and Jotaro were both excited to finally meet their children. Each had decided on one name. Jotaro had chosen to name one child Jolyne and Noriaki had chosen to name the other Jouta.

They were still playfully fussing over who would name which child.

"Do you think they'll hatch soon?" Jotaro asked.

"The medic said any day. Are you excited?"

"Maybe a bit." Jotaro lied. He was beyond excited. With every passing day, Noriaki got stronger and they got closer to meeting their children. He had every reason to be excited.

Noriaki chuckled, "You do not hide it well, my love."

Jotaro turned from tending to the eggs and grinned at Noriaki.

"You are dripping mud on the floor, my Juju."

Jotaro flinched and shook his hands off over the mud pool before wiping them on the towel next to it. He cleaned up the mess he'd made and crawled onto the bed next to his mate, pulling them into his arms. "Are you excited?"

"Very. I can't wait for that chime to sound and alert us to the arrival of our little ones."

"They will be beautiful and brilliant. Just like you."

"Strong and brave, like you."

Jotaro smiled and kissed his mate gently, "I lov..."

A chime sounded through the room and the lights around the mud pool brightened.

Noriaki's eyes widened as they looked to Jotaro, "Help me up! Hurry!"

Jotaro helped Noriaki stand and led them to the side of the pool. Inside, one of the eggs wiggled around in the mud.

"Oh! They're coming. Come on, little one. You can do it!" Noriaki said with excitement.

Jotaro stood behind Noriaki, keeping them steady as they watched their child struggle to break through the soft shell of the egg.

"Can't we help them?"

"No, my love. We must watch and wait. The shell will give when it's time. We can't break it early or they could die."

Jotaro watched on, feeling a bit helpless until a tiny bluish green foot pushed its way through the shell.

"Oh!" Noriaki exclaimed then quickly moved to help the baby out of the egg, "Hello there, little one!" they said as they removed a piece of the shell from over the babies face and a tiny cry was heard.

Jotaro grabbed a towel and held it so that Noriaki could place the baby in it. Before he could even properly wrap his first born, a tiny fist pushed through the second egg.

"Jotaro! The other egg!"

"Impatient little thing, huh?" he said as he quickly wrapped the first baby and placed it in one of the small bassinets.

Noriaki laughed as they tried to help the wiggling child out of the egg, "Be still, my little love. I'm coming." They said as they pulled the child free from the shell, "There we go." They added, lifting the now screaming child, "Oh, you're an angry one."

"Sounds like it. Come here, you." Jotaro said with a wide grin as he wrapped his second child.

Noriaki let out a gusty sigh and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hey, you ok?"

"I'm fine. Just a bit tired. So, who is who?"

Jotaro let Noriaki get comfortable before handing them their second child then picking up the first and sitting next to them, "Let's have a look and see."
They lay the children on the bed and unwrapped them to get a better look. Both children were a light blue-green with a bit of Noiraki's shimmer. Both also had a head full of curly jet-black hair just like Jotaro. The only obvious difference between the babies, other than size, were twin patches of bright colored hair right in the front. One had bright green and the other red like Noriaki.

"My Kala had hair that color." Noriaki said, indicating the green hair of the smaller baby.

"I think this should be Jolyne." Jotaro said as he counted the fingers and toes of the green haired baby.

"Alright. Then I guess this makes you Jouta." Noriaki said to the baby they held close to their chest.

"They're so beautiful, Nori..."

"They are, aren't they? My beautiful little loves. Are you happy, my Juju?"

"Nori...I've never been so happy..."

Noriaki smiled and lay their head against Jotaro, "That's wonderful. So am I. I..."

Jouta started crying again, cutting Noriaki off.

"I think someone is hungry." Jotaro said, "I'll go prepare them bottles. Are you ok with them both?"

"Yes, my love. We will be fine. Make sure it's not too hot..."

"I know, Nori." He replied, setting Jolyne down next to Noriaki.

"You always made them too hot in the classes..."


"Ok, ok." Noriaki said with a laugh, trying to calm the crying baby in their arms, "It's ok, little one. Your Kaba will bring you something soon."

Jotaro returned a few minutes later with bottles for the babies and sat back down next to Noriaki and passed one of the bottles to his mate before picking Jolyne up again.

They both laughed at how quickly the children downed the bottles contents and immediately fell asleep.

"Well, I guess somethings are universal." Jotaro said, chuckling at his children.

"Well, babies will be babies, I guess." Noriaki mused.

"Ours are special though."

"Very special. You realize, Jotaro, that our children are the first of their kind. Human and Zonian. They are unique."

"Yeah. But they are still special all on their own."


And there you go! The final chapter! I know it just kind of stops but i wanted to leave it open in case more comes to me later.

So yeah, you may get more Starlight at a later time!

All comments are welcome! Let me know what you think!

Follow me on Instagram @_jaxous_ for sneak peaks of my other fic and info on future fics!

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