Chapter 20

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Jotaro groaned and then sighed at the feeling of soft bites running along his jaw and down his neck, making him chuckle, "I thought your fertile time was last week?"

"What has that got to do with you being so edible?" Noriaki asked with a slight growl.

No one had bothered to mention to Jotaro, that once a Zonian was mated, they went through month long biological cycles that ended in about 4 days fertile time in which their sex drive went insane. During those days, Noriaki was insatiable, never to be satisfied. In the 10 months since their joining, Jotaro had come to anticipate and prepare for those days where other Zonian's felt stress over the possibility of bearing young. Jotaro and Noriaki, due to the differences between them genetically, didn't have that stress. Jotaro was glad for that once learning how high the mortality rate was among laying parents. He was happy that Noriaki's fertile time could be enjoyed and not worried over.

Not that Noriaki left him wanting any other time.

Jotaro checked the time as he slid a hand up his mates back, "We'll be late for council if you continue."

"And? I am the Hierophant. I do as I please." They said, giving a sharp bite to Jotaro's shoulder.

"Ah! Ok! blood this time..."

Noriaki gave a feral grin as they ripped open Jotaro's shirt, "I am unable to make promises, my Juju...."


"Are you happy now?" Jotaro asked once Noriaki woke from the short nap they always took after making love.
Noriaki's typical, happy smile beamed up at him.

"Waking up with you, I will always be happy, my Juju."

Jotaro hugged his mate tight, "So what is on the agenda for the day? Meetings? Lab work? What do we have?"

With a deep sigh, Noriaki sat up, "I do have something we need to do today..."

Jotaro narrowed his eyes, "What are you up to, Nori?"

"Nothing you're not already aware of!"


"Ugh! Fine! I finished the genetic booster. It's ready for you to take."

After seeing some of the initial predicted side effects of this booster, Jotaro was hesitant, "Uhhh, are you sure...?"

"Yes. I was able to get it up to 99%."

"99 huh? What about side effects?"

Now Noriaki hesitated, "There's a slight possibility of a skin color change and maybe the development of a defensive ability...?"

"What color?"

"I...I'm not sure...?"


"Blue! Maybe purple!"

Jotaro sighed, "Could be worse, I guess."

"That's the attitude, my Juju! I believe you would be even more beautiful if you were blue or purple!"

"So what is it? Just an injection or...?"

"It will be a series of injections. 4 total over 8 weeks. I would like to put you to sleep as they are predicted to cause you a great deal of pain during the first few hours after administration."

"I'm not sure about that part. I don't like being put under..."

"I understand is the safest alternative. I do not want you to suffer and you need this treatment if you are to stay on Zoni. We've had several close calls just since our joining."

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