Chapter 19

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Noriaki wiggled around happily in their mud pool, carefully sipping at a glass of Krena.

"Are you sure you wish to go through with this?"

"Hmmm, yes. Absolutely." They replied, "Dama, why are you so against my Chosen? They have done nothing but prove themselves a worthy mate."

"They are not Zoni. I am not sure that I trust them completely. Especially with you. You are precious to me, Noriaki, one of my own. I do not wish to see you hurt."

"My Juju would never hurt me. They have nearly given their life to save me. They love me, Dama."

Ceaser sighed and nodded, "Yes, I know they do. I still do not like them. They are taking my child."

Noriaki laughed, "They are not taking me! I will not leave you, Dama. I will just arrive with my mate from now on."

Ceaser made a low grumbling noise, "I know."

"Will you be so upset when your children choose a mate?"

Ceaser grunted and refilled Noriaki's glass, "Perhaps."

Noriaki leaned back in the bath and smiled, "Thank you for standing with me, Dama."

"I could do nothing else. I would never leave you alone on such an important day. Despite your terrible choice in a mate."

"Be nice!"

Ceaser scoffed, "Maybe."


"Uhhh, are you sure you wanna marry an alien, Jotaro?"

"Jiji...for the last time, I'm the alien here..."

"Yeah yeah! But...are you sure? I mean, Noriaki is beautiful and all, but are you really ready to give up everything you've worked for to stay here with him?"

"THEM! And yes! I know how I feel! I've never met someone like them. They are amazing...I love them, jiji. With everything I am."

Joseph sighed, "If you're sure, then I'll support you. I want you to be happy. So, how does this wedding thing go? How will the ceremony go?"

"There really isn't one. We just...declare our intentions to our family and...well...umm..."

"And what?"

"Well...straight to the honeymoon..."

"That's it? No big ceremony? Even for someone like Noriaki? I mean, this has to be a big event for the Zoni, right?"

"Well, there will be a special meeting of the council to formally congratulate us but that's about it. They believe the joining of 2 individuals should be a personal, private thing. From what Nori has told me, once we declare ourselves tonight, we will have a few days alone in a place that is special to us."

"Well....ok. Where will you go?"

"Nori wants it to be a surprise. Not sure where we could go that's special. I haven't really been here that long."

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