Chapter 12

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Ceasar woke in a panic, shooting up from the pool of perfectly cool mud those damn Medics must have placed them in to rest. Growling, they climbed out of the mud and stepped under the waterfall shower to wash themselves clean. As they washed, the noticed the details of the room and realized they were still in Noriaki's home. Specifically, they were in the guest room Noriaki kept ready for them and their children as the mud pool was large enough to suit them all.

That little fact may save the lead Medics job, but certainly wouldn't save them from the insane rant Ceasar was preparing in their mind.

Once clean and presentable, Ceasar stormed through the residence, making their way to where Noriaki was being treated. No one tried to speak to them or stop them as their temper was evident.

When Ceasar reached the room where Noriaki was supposed to be, their heart stopped.

The room was empty. Noriaki wasn't in the medpod and the room appeared to have been scrubbed clean of all the personal effects that had accumulated.

Ceasar felt their knees weaken at the sight. Certainly, Noriaki couldn't have recovered enough to be up and about in such a short time. That just left one alternative.

Noriaki was gone. As they slept, the one person they respected above all others and loved as their own child, had slipped away from them.

They stood frozen in the doorway, lost as to what they should do. They would have to tell the children. Mala would be devastated.

Ceasar stayed in that spot for long minutes before a hard slap on their back snapped them back to the present.

"There you are. We were wondering where you wandered off to." Jean said with a smile.

Ceasar was confused. How could Jean be smiling at a time like this?

"When did...Noriaki, when did they...?"

"OH! We actually just finished setting everything up. Come on. I'll take you."

Jean turned and headed to the lift without waiting for a reply. Ceasar could only follow, to heartbroken to argue.

A few minutes later, they stood outside Noriaki's art studio.

"Jean, what are we...?"

Jean opened the door, "Hey, I found them." They called into the room.

Ceasars eyes widened as he saw how the studio had changed into a less advanced version of the medical room below. Instead of a medpod, Noriaki lay on their favorite large couch where they usually sat to contemplate their current work. Wireless monitors were placed in various areas of their head and chest and they were covered by an odd looking, thick cloth.

Jotaro looked up from the holoscreen he was working on and smiled at them, "Noriaki's brain activity has held steady for almost 2 hours."

Ceasar looked to Jean, who seemed quite excited about what the human said.

"That's excellent! Now we just need it to start going back up!" Jean said.

"Can you understand them, Jean?"

"Yes, of course I can. Can't you...oh! Mikitaka! Get the Enlightened one of the translators."

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