Chapter 11

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Jotaro spent the next hour leaned against the medpod near Noriaki's head, softly talking to them about anything and everything he could think of. He'd never been much of a conversationalist, but he felt compelled to do something other than sit there and watch Noriaki slip away from him.

Just when he thought he'd run out of things to say, a new Zonian entered the room carrying a small case. They were unique compared to the others he had met so far. Rather than be brightly colored, they were a pasty, ghostly white and had pale blonde hair. The only bright things about them were their sharp green eyes and the odd chain connecting an earring to a nose ring.
Jotaro watched them as they scanned the room before spotting him and making their way over. The Zonian gave him a polite nod and started talking.

"Hello. I am the Hierophant's technical assistant. My name is Nu Mikitakazo Nshi. Please, feel free to call me Mikitaka as my friends do."

Jotaro's eyes widened as the Zonian smiled down at him expectantly, "Uhhh....Jean?"

"Mikitaka! They do not speak Zonian. That's why you're here. To help with a translation program Noriaki made." Jean said with a sigh.

Mikitaka turned to Jean and nodded, "Yes. I am aware."

Jean just glared at them.

Then, like watching a light being turned on, Mikitaka's eyes widened, "Oh, goodness. How silly of me."

Mikitaka placed the case they carried on a counter top and opened it. When they turned back to the room, they opened their hands to reveal 3 small devices, "Please, take one."

"What is it?" Jean asked, a little nervous of new technology created in this particular house.

"It will translate spoken word. This one from human to Zonian, so it's yours. Please, just place it in your ear like any private communication device."

Jean made a face but took the offered earpiece and put it in their ear and motioned for Jotaro and Avdol to do the same. Once everyone had theirs in place, Mikitaka smiled again.

"There, can you understand me now?" they asked Jotaro.

Jotaro nearly jumped and stared at the Zonian in surprise, "Yes! I understand you perfectly. Can you...?"

"Ha! No more of that ridiculous tablet!" Jean cried.

"This is amazing! Did Noriaki create this? How? Please, tell me!" Avdol asked, unable to mask his excitement.

Mikitaka nodded, "The Hierophant and I had been working on it for several days before...well, before this. I simply finished up the loose ends. I have also transferred the translation program to the holoscreens." They said, waving their hands to bring up a large screen that displayed half in human language and half in Zonian. "The information you requested has already been made available for you to review. If you would like, I will show you how to navigate our systems."

Jotaro nodded, "Yes. Please. Thank you."

"Very well. Please stand next to me and raise your right hand like this." Mikitaka said, raising their right hand, fingers splayed out and holding a few inches in front of themselves as if pressing it against a wall. Jotaro did his best not to stare at their partially webbed fingers.

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