Chapter 27

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Jotaro’s knee bounced as he and Holly waited for the doctor to come deliver her latest test results. The SPW had done amazing work in treating Holly’s cancer and were confident she would be better now that her treatment had ended.

“Jotaro, honey, calm down. You’re making me nervous.” She said, patting his knee.

“Sorry. Just wish he’d hurry up. I hate waiting.”

“It’s ok, sweetie. I know you’re eager to get back home.”

“It’s not that…”

“I know. But you do want to go home. You miss your mate.”

“Yeah, but I want to make sure you’re ok first. I’m not leaving until you’re healthy again.”

“I’ll be fine, Jotaro. Don’t worry about me.”
“I can’t help…”

Jotaro was cut off when the door opened and the doctor walked in, “Well Mrs. Kujo, we have your results back.”

“And?” Jotaro asked impatiently.

“I’m pleased to report, that you are in remission. There were no traces of the cancer.”

Holly covered her mouth to muffle her quiet sobs as Jotaro pulled her into his arms and hugged her.

“Thank you, doctor.” Jotaro said softly, “Thank you.”



“Noriaki! What’s wrong?!” Ceaser called from their room.

“UGGHHH!! Ceaser! It hurts!!”

“Nori!” they cried as they barreled into the room, “What happened?”

“Contractions…oh…it hurts so much…Ceaser!”

“By all the stars, Noriaki…just…hold on. I’ll call a medic."

Twenty minutes and a lot of screaming later, Noriaki was wheeled into a laying room.

“Wait! No! I’m having the removal surgery! I’m not laying!”

“I’m sorry but it’s too late for that, Hierophant. The first egg is already passing.”


“I’m right here, Nori.” Ceaser said, taking their hand.

“I don’t want to lay, Ceaser! I don’t want to lay!!”

“It will be ok, Nori. Just breath. Everything will be ok.”

“We need to get them into the pool, Enlightened. Will you be their Koma Sai?” The medic asked.

“Yes, yes. The Ka Staara is off world.”
“Then you should get changed quickly. We are out of time.”



Jotaro sighed as he followed his mother from shop after shop. He and his guard were all carrying bags and boxes filled with things Holly bought for him and Noriaki.

“Mom, I think we have enough. The ship is only so big…”

“Oh, honey! I’m almost finished. Just one more stop. I need to go pick up a ring I had to have repaired at the jewelry store down the street. Then we can go home.” Holly said, heading off in the direction of the store.

With another, long suffering sigh, Jotaro followed her, ducking into the store behind her while his guards remained outside. While Holly spoke to the seemingly startled jeweler, who tried not to stare at him, Jotaro roamed the store, glancing around at various displays. He was on his second circuit through the store when he saw a large display in the back with a variety of emerald jewelry. As he passed it, one ring stood out to him and he paused to look at it closer. It was a beautiful, thin white gold band with a tastefully large square cut emerald surrounded by tiny diamonds. He immediately thought of Noriaki and how lovely it would look on their left hand. It wasn’t a custom of the Zoni to exchange anything when joining but it had always bothered him that he hadn’t given his mate anything to commemorate their union.

“Jotaro, sweetie, what have you found over there?” Holly asked as she came to his side.

He glanced down at her then pointed in the case, “A ring. I’m thinking of getting it for Noriaki.”

“Oh! It’s lovely! You should get it. They will love it.”

“You think so? It’s not too much?”

“No! It’s perfect for them.”

“Alright. I’ll get it.” He said, now a bit excited at bringing a gift home to his mate. Holly called the jeweler over and they bought the ring. On the way back, Jotaro kept a hand in his pocket, clasped around the ring box. He couldn’t wait to see the look on Noriaki’s face when they opened it.
He only had a few days left until the Hermit Purple arrived to take him back to Zoni. While Jotaro had enjoyed the time on earth, he was ready to be home with his mate.

“Two more months, Nori. Just two more months.” He said, later that evening as he lay in bed, looking at the picture of his beautiful mate.


Ceaser paced the hallway outside the surgical ward, waiting for news on Noriaki’s condition. His heart sank deeper and deeper with every moment that passed without word.

The first egg had passed without causing to much trouble. The second egg was a bit larger than the first and simply couldn’t pass. After hours of labor, and much begging on Noriaki’s part, the medic had decided to proceed with the removal of the second egg surgically.

That had been hours ago. It was supposed to be a fairly quick procedure.

Finally, the doors opened and the medic walked out.

“Enlightened.” They said with a slight bow.

“How is Noiraki? The egg?”

“The egg was retrieved successfully. The Hierophant, however, is in delicate condition. They lost too much blood and the incision needed to remove the egg was much larger than normal due to its unusual size. We have administered a transfusion but I’m afraid there was too much damage done trying to remove the egg safely. The Hierophant may never lay again. They will be very weak and their recovery will be long.”

“But they will recover?”

The medic nodded, “Baring any complications, yes. We expect them to recover fully in time.”

Ceaser let out the breath they’d been holding, “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
After another hour of pacing, Ceaser was allowed into Noiraki’s room. In one corner was an elevated pool of mud that housed the newly lain eggs. Next to the pool, was a med pod containing Noriaki’s sleeping form.
Ceaser sat next to the medpod and took their hand, causing Noriaki to stir.


“No, Nori. It’s Ceaser. How are you feeling?”


“Yeah. I know it does. You’ll feel better soon though, ok?”


“They are just fine. Right over there next to you.”

Noriaki struggled for a moment but finally was able to turn their head and see the eggs in the pool. A small smile graced their lips as they sighed, “We made it, my loves. We made it…” they said as they drifted back to sleep.

Ceaser reached up and smoothed the hair back out of Noriaki’s face, “You did well, Nori.”


Soooo, because i messed up and posted the wrong chapter....

You guys get a double update today!

Happy friday!

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