Chapter 2: Secrets

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POV: Willow

I washed my face in the sink, looking back up at it dripping. Usually I would tend to my plants when I'm stressed, but since I'm at school, that's not exactly an option, so this will do I guess. As I was starting to leave the room though, Boscha came in and glared at me. I tried to ignore her, but before I could leave she pushed me into the wall, my head slamming hard against it.

"What happened to Amity?" She asked me. I looked away then back at her.

"I-I don't know, please let me go to class." I stuttered, looking at the exit. I tried to start walking away but she pinned me to the wall.

"Neither of us are leaving until you tell me what happened."

"If I tell you please don't hurt Luz, she didn't do anything wrong." I begged. She sighed before backing away, whispering something about Amity, before agreeing not to do anything, "Amity finally got the guts to confess."

"What do you mean confess?"

"You didn't know? She had a huge crush on Luz!"

"Why didn't she tell me." She seemed genuinely hurt. I didn't think she really cared for anyone, especially not Amity. Ever since Grom they haven't talked much but even when they did it wasn't exactly friendly. I sighed before saying what she needed to hear, whether it was nice or not.

"You haven't exactly been the nicest to her."

"I wasn't trying to be rude... but why do you care?" All her sadness turned back into anger out of no where, making my guard come back up, "What else happened?"

"Luz rejected her... because of me."

"Because of you? Luz and you are... together?"

"Um... yeah I guess..."

"So you're the reason Amity got so upset." She pinned me against the wall again. Then all of a sudden a blush arose on her cheeks, making mine slowly do the same. We kinda just stood there for a second. I couldn't tell if the silence was comfortable or awkward.

"Willow?!" I looked up, my cheeks losing all color. It was Amity. Oh no. Boscha's face got redder as she left the bathroom, leaving Amity and I alone.

"It's not what it looks like!" I said.

"Are you cheating on Luz?"

"No! I would never!"

"What is Luz gonna think?" Amity seemed to be panicking now.

"You can't tell her!"

"She deserves to know."

"But Boscha was just interrogating me!"

"But Luz can't handle more pain like this."

"No offense but look what you've done." I didn't wanna be so rude, but if Amity told Luz the truth, I don't even know what would happen, "Who knows, she may even think you're lying because of that note of yours... look Amity, I care about you, but I also care about Luz. We can't let this misunderstanding reach her, okay?" She just nodded before leaving. Silent.

I sighed before looking at myself in the mirror. I adjusted my glasses and sighed before going back out. I know I'm gonna regret saying that to Amity, but I had to do it. When I left the bathroom, Luz, Gus, and Amity were near the door.

"There you are, Willow!" Gus smiled, giving my stuff to me. He must have gotten it when class ended, "What took so long?" I noticed Amity was hanging back as Luz and Gus surrounded me.

"Sorry, I was uh..." I was struggling to find an excuse, "Girl stuff I guess?"

"Ew, I don't wanna know." He said as Luz and I laughed. I love it when she laughs. We all started to walk towards our lockers when I remembered something.

"Oh! I have three tickets for that Grudgby game this weekend."

"That sounds so fun! But what about Amity?" Luz asked. I looked over at the green haired witch. She looked like she wasn't paying attention before.

"Oh uh, I don't need to go, I'll probably be busy anyway so..."

"Wait the game was this weekend? I'm supposed to go on a business trip with my dad! He promised to teach me some things about his job. Amity, if you want you can have my ticket." Gus smiled. I internally rolled my eyes.

"But I can't make it... I have uh, plans?"

"Come on Am, it would be so fun! Please, for me?" She was looking at Amity with puppy eyes which started to annoy me a little bit. Amity looked away, clearly thinking, then back at Luz.

"Okay, I guess." She muttered before Luz hugged her. Jealously filled me, but I stayed silent. Looked like the three of us are going to a game together... yay.

————————————————————A/N: Sorry this chapter is shorter. I just don't feel the character of Willow as much as the others but for future chapters I'll make sure to do better. I was also really uninspired for a long time so that could also be why this chapter is sucky. I finally know how I'm gonna end this though and trust me, it's very dramatic 🤭 who do you think will win? Lumity or Willuz? Also, 90% of this chapter was made while watching Shera-

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