Chapter 1: Awkward

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POV: Luz

It's been two weeks. Two long weeks since I've seen Amity. I haven't gotten any sleep. I'm so worried about her. Willow and Gus think I'm starting to fall for her, but that's crazy! She hates me now, right? I knew I should have been nicer when rejecting her. I just can't date her right now. I still have to find a way home AND once I do, I'll be going home soon afterwards. It's just better to reject Amity now and push it away... that sounds mean. I don't mean it like that. I just don't want to mess anything up by leaving when we're together... I don't know. It's hard to explain, even to myself. Plus, I don't even know if I like her like that, you know? I don't even know how you know you love someone.

"Is that..." My thoughts were interrupted by Willow, who was looking through the crowded hallway. I looked up from the floor, confused, until I saw.

"Amity." I smiled, noticing I seemed a little to happy to see her, I quickly changed my mood.

"What is she doing here?" Willow asked.

"Well why does it matter, she's back!" I started to walk towards her, but Willow grabbed my shoulder.

"Luz, don't you remember what happened before she left? She embarrassed you in front of the whole cafeteria!"

"Even if she did, I wanna make things right with her. She was finally starting to be nice to me again and I think someone told her something... or I did something, to make her mad. But either way I need to make things right!" I looked over at Amity again, and she was walking towards us. Willow glared at her before grabbing my hand, which was surprisingly soft, and held it up slightly.

"Hey, Amity!" Willow smiled mischievously. It kinda reminded me of Edric and Emira. I awkwardly waved to Amity with the hand Willow was holding, watching as her golden eyes started to shine. Not from the lights, but from something else. She turned away from us and kept walking, "We should probably get to class."

"Oh okay..." I said, confused from what had just happened. I tried to let go of her hand so I could hold onto my books more securely, but she wouldn't budge. I didn't mind though, her hand was comfortable and I didn't mind it being there. It just felt... right.

We walked all the way to our math class, which is definitely my least favorite class, holding hands. What's the point of math when you can do magic?!

When we arrived, Willow finally let go of my hand, leaving it to ache for her's to return. We sat in the third row and organized our things.

"Welcome back students, please get out your homework!" The teacher said, making my stomach drop. I had forgotten to do it. I looked towards Willow, who was happily getting her's out, with puppy eyes. She seemed to know exactly what I meant and made a quick spell circle, letting out a small laugh. She made a copy of her homework. I thanked her and quickly changed her name to mine, just in time for the teacher to collect it!

As the teacher started the lesson, I slowly lost interest. I laid my head on my hand, and sketched with the other. The sound from my pencil was the only sound that didn't annoy me right now, except maybe Willow's breathing, it was oddly peaceful. My pencil fell out of my hand when I heard the door opening. I looked up shocked to see, Amity. I forgot she was in this class.

"Sorry I'm late, I was talking with Principal Bump." Amity said. I'm guessing she was worried for being late.

"Ah yes, I heard about this," The teacher smiled, "You can go ahead and sit down, no worries."

"Thank you." She nodded, before looking around the room. There was only one seat left and it was next to me. She turned to the teacher like she was about to say something, but didn't and walked over to the chair, sitting with her eyes on the teacher the whole time. Not even bothering to look at me. Was what I did really that bad? I looked towards her, hoping to get some sort of reaction, but I didn't even see a twitch. Then I had an idea that would hopefully help us. I went into my notebook and ripped out a piece of paper. I thought carefully about what to write.

Hey Am! I was wondering if you wanted to talk at lunch on the bleachers? I think it's about time we talk about what happened.

After reading it over a few times, I decided it was good enough. I tapped Amity's thigh under the desk with the note, making her cheeks go red as she finally looked at me. She then looked at the note and read it under the desk, before writing her own message on the back. She then dropped the note on the floor, probably to make it seem less obvious to the teacher we were passing notes. I whispered to myself the message she had sent.

If you promise to let me focus for the rest of the class period, I will. -Amity

After her name she scribbled over something, probably an emoji or picture. I nodded slightly and she smiled before shaking her head and putting her focus back on the teacher. All of a sudden, I was focused again, and before I knew it, class was over.

Which meant it was time to see Amity.

Which is now leaving an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.


Now I'm sitting, waiting, struggling to be patient. My locker is closer to the court then Amity's and I'm sure she's taking her time. I just wanna get this over with. Not because I don't care, but because I just wanna be friends with her again.

As soon as I heard footsteps I looked up, seeing Amity. My stomach started to feel funny again as she silently sat on the bench next to me. We both stared forward. Not speaking. Awkward silence. Even I'm used to filling it with noise, but not now.

"I should go." Amity said standing up and walking away, but before she got far, I stood up and grabbed her wrist. Her golden eyes were sparkling again, making all my worries melt away. Why was I acting like this?

"I'm sorry." We both said at once. I adjusted myself to a more comfortable standing position as she turned back around, causing me to let go of her.

"You're sorry? For what?" I asked, laughing slightly, "I shouldn't of rejected you like that, it was way too harsh. I just... can't be with you Amity. You're a great girl and all, but I just... can't."

"Luz," she smiled before putting her hand on my shoulder. A quick flashback of Grom Night played in my head, causing a small blush to appear on my face, "It's not your fault. I shouldn't have made you feel bad about feeling something you don't. It's probably for the best anyway. I just hope, even after everything I said, which I'm so, so sorry about, we can still be... friends. You can say no. I wouldn't wa-" before she could finish I smothered her in a hug. She didn't hug me back until a few moments after.

"Amity, your friendship means everything to me, of course we can still be friends." I smiled, pulling away. Her face was red hot, but she shook her head up and down, causing her pale color to return. We just stared at each other again, this time in a comfortable silence. It was broken when Amity's alarm went off.

"Oh right... Luz, I have to go, but I need to tell you something!"

"What is it?"

"My parents signed me... Nevermind, i-it's not important. See you tomorrow, I'm leaving early today. Thanks." And just as soon as she came, she was gone again. My eyes lingered as she disappeared into the school. I sighed before turning around, to see Willow standing there. I jumped back from surprise before apologizing.

"Sorry... but how long were you just standing there?" I asked.

"I just noticed you staring so I walked over. Probably a few seconds." Willow smiled, before looking down slightly, her expression matching, "Luz, you know how I feel about this, right?"

"Yeah I know, I just saw the good in her Willow. She's changed! She just needs someone here to help her."

"Okay," Willow put her hand on my cheek, "I just don't want you to get hurt is all. But I support you." Then she walked away.

Today has been super... awkward.

Yet so... amazing.

Authors Note: Hello again! Hopefully this chapter exceeded your expectations and if not, it's cool! I'll just try better in the future. Also sorry for this chapter being slightly late, but I'll try to make sure it isn't to late in the future! Love you guys for all the support I've gotten! Honestly didn't think it would do this well but I'm happy you like it! Have a great day!

All Because of Willow | A Lumity vs Willuz fan ficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora