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POV Amity

Kikimora held onto the cuffs that held my wrists behind my back tightly. I felt numb. My stomach ached slightly for a meal while my throat was dry.

"How long was I in there?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the hallway in front of me as we walked.

"Almost 24 hours." She said expressionless.


I thought about asking another question, but debated whether or not it would annoy her or not. In the end I decided it didn't matter since I was about to die anyway.

"Was what I saw in there illusions?" I asked, looking at her this time. I never realized how short she really was. She paused for a moment before replying plainly.


"So everything I saw in there was real?" I asked, trying to hide my shock. My mom must have knocked me out when she hit me.

"Yes, now can you please stop talking."

I looked down. Luz really does hate me. Along with Willow, Edric, and Emira. They all hated me. Maybe I do deserve to die.

Kikimora looked down at her watch, catching my attention, then she started to walk faster, pulling me along so I sped up as well. She then took me to a room and took my cuffs off.

"Are you not going to try to escape?" She whispered, surprised I didn't struggle to run away as she chained me to the ground. I just gave a half smile and shook my head as she left the room. I sat on the floor, the flower falling out of my pocket. I then sat in silence, laying on the cold floor. I closed my eyes and thought about how the kiss Luz gave me meant nothing. She probably only came back so she could leave knowing I'll get hurt. She's probably celebrating with a cake from Willow or something. I'm sure my siblings are in the crowd, waiting for the "show" to start so they can film it all happen. But it's not like this'll hurt. They are just turning me into stone, how much pain could it be?

"Amity?" I heard a voice whisper. I opened my eyes but didn't move.

"Oh Mattholomule," I groaned after my brain processed who the voice was from, "are you here to make me feel worse about myself too? Well multiple people have already beat you to it, so I suggest you go enjoy the show."

"What?" He ran over and looked at me, his eyes showing concern, "Amity, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm only about to die." I rolled my eyes, "But it's not like I'll be missed."

"You're not gonna die! I can save you." He leaned down and started to fiddle with the iron chain. I bolted up and slapped his hand, making him retract it quickly, "What the heck! I'm trying to help you!"

"Listen. I don't want help."

"Am... what did they do to you..." his concern seemed to multiply, scaring me sightly, but I didn't show it.

"Nothing. Luz hated me from the beginning. I know that now." I laid back down, "Now can you please go so my final moments can be alone." He took a deep breath before picking up the red flower, it seeming to be in perfect condition.

"Put this on." He said, putting the flower in my hair. I tried to shake it off my failed.

"Take it off! It'll only make me remember Luz!"

"I thought you loved her."

"Not anymore..."

"Listen, helping you is a win win! Not only do you live but maybe Gus will forgive-"

"Good to know you are here for yourself." He paused after I said this. He didn't care about me. I was alone.

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Oh but you did. Just leave. Like everyone else." He bent down to the chains again, zapping it with magic.

"Matt! Leave me alone!" I made a spell circle from reflex and threw him across the room as I sat up. I whispered an apology before laying down, not wanting to get up again.

"Fine... have fun rotting in hell." He snapped at me in an annoyed and angered tone. I could hear a door open and close, telling me he was gone. Then a click sound, causing the platform to shake slightly, my chains turning into a cage around me. I took a deep breath before standing up, the numb feeling returning. It wasn't like a feeling of numbness, more like an emotion. I felt nothing.

I stared out into the crowd. I could spot Willow and my siblings, but my parents were absent. They hated me so much they didn't even want to see my final moments. I heard a few boo's when the platform came to a stop. A few people protesting as well. I rolled my eyes. Let's get this over with.

The huge, elaborate statue stood in front of me, the eyes from the women glowing. It reminded me of when I saw the owl lady here on the news. That was interesting. I remember feeling so bad for Luz and her mentor, now I feel nothing.

I took a deep breath as the crowd held their's. A beam of light hit my foot, sending a shooting pain to hit. Guess this wouldn't be painless after all...

Maybe I didn't want to die.

The pain continued to reach farther up my leg, as I struggled to move it so I could try to escape, terror in my eyes.

I screamed, hot tears flooding my face. Is this how I wanted things to end?

"I'm sorry!" I screeched, the crowd's low hum completely disappearing. The pain was now on my waist. When I looked down my entire lower half was covered in stone. I felt like throwing up. I glanced up and noticed a small trap door on the top. I started to reach for my life, but my right arm was stuck, the pain getting worse. I could barely see from black spots and tears as I continued to reach with my left hand. I couldn't help but notice it turn grey as well.

My body was numb. All I could feel was my neck up.

I was helpless to do anything.

Anything at all.

The stone was now slowly spreading to my chin and over my head.

"I'm sorry Luz," I whispered as my face fell numb, "I love you." Then I couldn't see, only pitch black. My breathing stopped.

I tried to cough.



But nothing happened.

I wonder how I got here. Then I remembered.

This is all because of Willow.

I imagined my kiss with Luz one last time. Whether she cared about me or not, I still loved her. The way her lips felt. The way she pulled me in. The way she


All Because of Willow | A Lumity vs Willuz fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now