Seeing someone

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When I got home today I heard the kids playing in the backyard. I walked to the side gate and seen Mia pushing the girls on the swing. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a light blue tank top. I noticed that she had on a little bit of makeup. She looked so beautiful. I took out my phone and snapped a picture, sending it to Matt. I miss her so much.  We barely talk to each other anymore. If it does have anything to do with the kids or the house she has nothing to say to us.  I went in the back yard with her and the kids. She looked up from pushing the girls and smiled at me. "Hey Chad I have a friend coming over tonight is that ok?" She asked as I walked by her.  Thought of what kind of friend was she talking about went through my mind. "Sure I will just tell Matt we have the kids tonight."  I smiled at her trying to hide the pain that this is causing me.

After letting Matt know about her having a friend over I helped her take the kids into the house. I slowly walked past the kid's room where she was. I wanted to just wrap my arms around her and hold her in my arms telling her how sorry I am.  I continued to my room to take a shower.  I stood under the hot water remembering the last time Mia was in this shower with me. I was fucking her so hard her tits were smacking her stomach so hard it sounded like I was smacking her ass. She was yelling out how good I felt inside of her.  Damn it just thinking about her my dick was so fucking hard.  I started stoking it when I saw her figure in the fogged-up door.  I knew now she was watching me.  I slid the door open "get over here now" I told her in a stern voice.  I grabbed her face and went to kiss her. She turned away from me. That only pissed me off. She knew it too. I then grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her to me pressing my mouth into her cheek "Take your fucking clothes off slut."  She started undressing "I am seeing someone Chad" that didn't stop her from standing in front of me naked. I yanked her in from of me turning her around so her back was pressed against my chest. "I don't give a fuck if you are seeing someone, You will always be mine, little sister"  I whispered into her ear-grabbing her soaking wet pussy. I bent her over and rammed my hard cock into her. She screamed out in pain. A wave of guilt washed over me but that didn't stop me from fucking her so hard that it hurt as our bodies smacked against each other.  She came without asking me if she could, pissing me off so bad that I pulled her back against my chest and smacking her in her face. I busted her lip and seen the blood drip down her chin. She licked it and smiled at me then laughed. "Hmm Is that all you got Brother "  She was trying to push my buttons.  I couldn't hold back anymore I needed to cum so bad. I went to pull out and she reached around holding my hips so I couldn't.  This little bitch is driving me crazy.  When I finished cumming she stood up straight picked her clothes up and left the bathroom like we didn't do anything.

I watched her cook dinner and feed the kids. She acted the whole evening as nothing happened between us.  After she cleaned up the kitchen her phone rang. "Hey, baby .... Ok I will meet you outside."  Her 'friend' was here, whoever it was she is already calling him baby.  Matt and I sit in the living room drinking and watching the game well trying to watch it.  I hear the door open and Mia laughing.  She walked around the corner smiling and looked at me dead in the eyes. She was holding hands with a chick ... wait what a chick Mia was seeing a female.  "Hey guys this is Roxi, Roxi this is Matt and Chad my husbands."  I can't believe she introduced us as her husbands.  "Y'all mind if we sit with ya?" She asked us.  Matt just shook his head "Nah it's cool" 

Mia's POV

I knew Matt and Chad thought I was seeing a guy, well surprise to them Roxi is far from a guy. I met her when I was in high school. We just started talking through social media a couple of weeks ago.  She told me that she had a crush on me since our freshman year. She just didn't know how I would take it. Actually, I really don't know how I would have taken it then.  Now I don't wanna date any guys because I have 2 guys that I can be with at any time I want. I proved that today when Chad came home. Then I have Bryan who says he just wants to be my friend but I can tell when we spend time together. He has been taking me out to dinner on his nights off.  

Roxi and I sit on the couch across from the guy. They both were acting like they weren't watching me or should I say us.  It was not like we were doing anything wrong or naughty. We were just talking. Roxi asked me how long has Chad and I known each other and I smiled. For 18 years I thought my soulmate was my brother. "I have known him since the day I was born," I told her looking over at him. He still takes my breath away. then came the question of how did we meet.  I let out a laugh, "I thought he was my brother" She gave me a crazy look, "NO for real"  She looked over at Chad "I didn't touch her until we found out I was adopted!"  He blurted out which was a fib,  we kissed the night before we found out. The best kiss of my life still till today.  

Roxi moved her hand on to my thigh She leaned over to me and asked me if I was ok with her touching me. I thought it was very respectful of her to ask and make sure. I nodded my head and smiled at her. She kissed my cheek and grinned.  "I asked about Chad, what about Matt?" She asked grabbing my hand to hold it and snuggling into me more.  I told her about how I met Matt and Bryan came up. "Bryan as in the guy that brought you to the restaurant last week?"  I bit my bottom lip and said "Yeah".  She just nodded.  I felt chad's eyes burning a hole in me he was staring so hard.  

I thought with Roxi learning more about who I was she would want to leave. Instead, she stayed She went as far as talking to the guys.  I had to go check on the kids, when I got up I felt her lightly smack my ass. "Hmm," I said quietly as I walked past her.  I heard Chad laugh at me. The babies were sleeping so peacefully.  All 4 of them.  I was heading back down the hallway when I heard Matt telling Roxi that I liked it rough. I laughed to myself "If you really wanna get her nice and wet call her a slut and pull her hair." Them motherfuckers was telling her my weaknesses. Oh, their asses are mine. Chad thought he had got it bad today. 

I came back out and straddled Roxi it took her by surprise. She grabbed my ass, I leaned down pushing her back on the couch then smashing my lips to hers.  Her moan sent me over the edge. I totally have never felt like this. I wanted to rip her clothes off of her and ravage her body I didn't care who is watching. I heard the guys behind me but I didn't care.  Her hands ran up my back removing my tank top and somehow she undid my shorts pulling them down my ass.  "Stand up" she whispered  "I wanna see all of you" I stood up looking down at her.  I loved what I was seeing, the look in her eyes. She wanted me and I wanted her.  I pulled her to stand up with me. She was taller than me so when she stood I had to look up to her. "You are so fucking beautiful now I see why they are in love with you." She moved the hair out of my face. "If they will share you with me it will make me the happiest woman around." I knew then she had respect for not just me but my guys also.  I didn't know what to say or do after she said that. I then felt someone behind me, I turned, and there stood my husband Matt.  What did they talk about when I couldn't hear them.  "Can I keep you?" She asked me kissing my neck  Our eyes met "Yes If Daddy says it's ok."  Chad must have known that I was gonna slip into my little space. He handed Roxi something then handed me my blanket.  I smiled "Tank uo Daddy"  He picked me up and sat me on his lap.  I cuddled into his chest  "My sweet little girl, I have missed you"  A few seconds later Roxi came and sat next to Chad and handed me my sippy.  "You don't think I weird?"  I asked her  She smiled at me "No Baby Girl, I think you are the cutest little I have ever seen."  Now I know why she asked if she could keep me.  

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