Her Smile

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While I was in the kitchen cleaning up after Matt cooked another amazing meal, I heard Chad and Callie laughing outside on the porch. I didn't mean to be nosy but I guess it happened. 

"Chad I am sorry I came back the way I did but I fell in love with you. "  Callie told Chad, my heart stopped beating. My chest tightened as I waited for his reply "You know I don't love you the same way." I started walking away from the sink making my way to the dining room. She must have come back to get Chad away from me. 

Over the next couple, I watched Callie around Chad  She has been making her little moves here and there when she thinks I am not watching. Chad has also been acting a little weird towards me.  Tonight I made dinner and waited until everyone sat down at the table. I used the excuse that I was checking on the babies and got up and went to the room. I laid down in our bed waiting to see if Chad would come to me. I thought Matt would have come to see what was wrong and neither of them came. I could hear them laughing with Callie. So maybe this is backfiring on me. I waited for a few more minutes and then it hit me. 

I walked back out to the dining room and nothing was said to me. I cleaned up everyone's dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.  I guess we are going back to the way things were when I was pregnant with the twins. I didn't say anything, I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.  They moved to the living room having a beer and fun.  

It has now been weeks that she has been living in our home. I have been cooking and cleaning for them on top of taking care of the kids.  I watch them every night have fun.  I wanna leave but then that would mean I am going back to the way I was before the kids. I wonder do they even see me anymore.  I have noticed that I have been losing some weight from not eating.  I really have not been feeling to go lately but who is gonna care.  Today Matt snapped at me because I asked him to spend some time with me. His excuse was he was tired and he just wanted to relax.  He also said to me that I don't know what it is to be tired I don't do anything but sit around the house.  I have given up on talking to Chad, He doesn't have to say anything to let me know that doesn't want to be bugged by me.  

I was sitting out on the porch thinking about things and Bryan popped into my head.  I wonder how he was doing. I didn't know how to get a hold of him so I guess I will never know.  Chad and Matt thought I went to bed already. They didn't realize I was on the back porch and you can see my old room from out here.  I watched Callie walk-in then Chad followed.  I watched him lean down and kiss her. That was one thing I asked was not to go behind my back.  Matt was standing in the doorway.  My chest started hurting and I felt like I could not breathe.  I spotted a big rock next to me. I picked it up and threw it at the window breaking it. I heard Callie scream and that's the last thing I remember. 

Chad's POV

I am surprised how Callie and I have been getting along. Mia has been acting weird here lately. She doesn't talk to any of us. She has been pushing us away. I have a feeling she is talking to Bryan behind our backs.  Callie brought it to Matt and I's attention a couple of weeks ago.  Tonight she made dinner and after she fed the kids and go then to bed she went to bed her self.  Matt and I were in the mood to play around and Callie was more than willing to play with us seeing how  Mia doesn't anymore.  I am sure she is having her own fun on the side. We all go to Callies room and start kissing and messing around when someone threw something at her window and breaking it. 

When we got to the back porch the light was off I walked out and tripped over something. I yelled at Matt to turn on the light.   When he did my heart stopped. Mia laid there with blood coming from her head.  I picked her limp body up and ran inside. "OH god there she goes again playing her fucking games Chad just to get your attention,"  Callie said sitting on the couch.  Mia wasn't waking up and the bleeding wasn't stopping.   "You're gonna fall for her shit again aren't you?" The more she said the more I got pissed off.  "SHUT THE FUCK UP CALLIE... SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO PLAY GAMES TO GET MY ATTENTION!!"   I did it again but this time I pulled Matt into my bullshit. 

After Matt called 911 he called his mother to come and watch the kids. She made it there before the ambulance. She started yelling at Matt "You guys treat that girl so fucking horrible. She takes care of your kid's cooks and cleans for you and now your new whore."  She was right I once again took her for granted.  They took her away in the ambulance I stood there and watched. Matt yelled for me to get in the truck.  

Matt's POV

I can not believe I have done this to her, my baby girl.  Chad and Callie made me believe she was talking to Bryan behind my back. Why did I believe them? I know my wife would never do anything like that. All she asked was to come to her about anything we had a problem with. My mother is right we have been treating her horribly.  

We got to the hospital and Chad has not said two words even though Callie has been trying to talk to him about what she said about Mia at the house.  We walked in and asked where she was and they told us that we were going to have to wait in the waiting room. As we were walking to the waiting room I saw Bryan he was wearing a nurse's uniform.  At first, it popped into my head that maybe Callie was telling the truth. He came over to us and told us that Mia was awake and refused any visitors. She didn't even want him as her nurse. I think we have pushed her last button.  

Callie was trying to calm Chad down and he was not having it. "I want you out of my house by the time I get home. If you don't have a safe place for my daughter to go you leave her at my house and My wife and I will take care of her until you get on your feet."  He meant what he was saying.  "I am not leaving my kid for your crazy wife to raise."  He turned and looked at her "You take Cassie out of my house I will call CPS and take her away from you for good"  She went to grab him "You always do this Chad you push me away for her She don't love you"  As we stood there Bryan came from behind me "I don't know who you are and I don't care but Mia loves Chad more than anything in this world beside her kids she always has. "  She looked at her "what the slut fucking you too?"  Bryan laughed "I only wish"   Callie stormed off yelling "This ain't over Chad"

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