try to forget

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I woke up in between Chad and Matt this morning. I did not want to move but I have to go to school and the guys have to go to work.  I roll over to Chad and whisper in his ear  " It's time to wake up  !" I waited for him to start moving then leaned over to Matt and whispered in his ear "time to wake up".  I went to crawl out of bed and I got pulled back down. Chad wrapped his arms around me as said " let's just stay in bed all day and snuggle" 

Mia..... " No matter how wonderful  that sounds Bubby, we can't"

Chad....." I know Baby Girl. Are you ok? I mean with everything about me not being your Bio Brother. " 

Matt " guys we need to get up and start getting ready or we all will be late."

Mia..... "no snuggles for you tonight meany "

Chad... " That just means more for me .... alright baby, get up and get ready for school. I'm taking your car to get checked out by Brian at the shop...Matt, can she take your truck to school today?" 

I roll out of bed and instead of going to my closet, I go to Chad's to find a shirt.  " Hey, why is Matt's clothes in here also?" I yell to the guys. They act like they didn't hear me. I walked to my room and started getting ready for school. I wasn't really worried about them answering me anyhow. 

I was ready to leave but I needed Matt's keys.  I walked in on something that maybe I shouldn't have. Chad and Matt were kissing and not like a little kiss like a passionate kiss. I was hoping they didn't see me. I stepped back and decided to go to the kitchen. Yep, I'm the fat friend/sister. I try to hold the tears back at least until I leave but it doesn't happen. For some reason, I feel like I just lost my brother and best friend. 

I yelled to Chad " I am just gonna take my car, I gotta go!" I didn't wait for a reply and I left.  I pulled into the school not wanting to be here still crying. Glad I don't wear makeup.  I see my friend Brianna walking to my car. I slowly get out trying to dry my face before she sees I am crying.  

"Hey Mia," she said to me as she hugs me "I missed you yesterday where were you?" 

I explained to her about how Chad Matt and I went out to the woods and didn't get back till late so I just stayed home.  Somehow she already knew about Clair and Chad breaking up. She asked why I told her I didn't know why but I did. Chad is gay. 

The day was going by so slow. Brianna and I was walking to the lunchroom when this tall cute guy comes up to us and said " Hey ain't you Chad and Matt's girl?'" 

Brianna looks at me confused I answer him quickly "No, not anymore " and walk away. I run to the bathroom and start crying my eyes out again. No one would ever understand how in just one day I go from having a brother that I was in love with, to he is not my brother to the man I'm in love with is gay.  

I then realized they are only nice to me or whatever they towards me is because of the feel sorry for me. I am just a fat pathetic girl that has no one.  I needed to do something about this. I need to try and forget about Chad and Matt.  

I pull out my phone and go back to the site I was looking at yesterday. It is like a dating site for littles and Daddy Doms. In the search, I put in my area and looking for a Daddy and the first 2 profiles that pop up are Chad and Matt. OK, now I am fucking confused. I read Chad's first then Matt's. Both profiles say the same thing...They are looking for a little to take care of with their partner. They are BI not gay. I'm so fucking done. I can't anymore. I need to leave.

I walk to my car and get in it and leave. I stopped at the gas station and filled my car up got a drink and some snacks. I started driving. Before I know it the sun was setting. I don't know how far I have driven. I have no clue where I am. I reached into my bag and got my phone out. I never turned my phone back up. I had 10 missed calls and 23 text messages. 

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