1.2 Breathe

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Waking up by myself was one thing, but being practically thrown out of the comfort of my hammock was something I didn't expect, nor appreciate.

"Felix!" Newt stressed, "Come on! The Runners' are already up!"

I groaned, not wanting to comply, "Newt, you slinthead, I-"

He rolled his eyes, "These were your rules, 'Lix." He offered his hand to help me up and I sighed, taking it.

I stretched, noticing the abnormal hustle and bustle in the Med-Bay above the dining hall, "Why's there so much going on up there?"

"Well Cally hasn't come down since she went up with that boy last night, Leah's up there keeping her company," Newt shifted on his feet, obviously eager to get work done.

I sighed, "Right." Cally was the Keeper of the Med-Jacks, of course she would take responsibility of that boy's well-being.

"Should we check on her?" Newt offered.

"Cally?" I shook my head, "No, she'll be fine, Leah will make sure she sleeps. But you and I, we've got some work to do."


An hour later and the rest of the Gladers are awake. Newt and I weren't able to get much work done as most of our time was spent with me blabbering about the best ways to get good results when growing things. We tried fixing the basil issue, the only thing I could think of doing, though, was giving them some more water; I doubted it would permanently solve the problem.

"You make it sound so easy," Newt groaned.

I laughed nervously, "Sorry, I guess this just comes naturally."

Newt smiled, wiping sweat from his forehead, "You have a way of bringing things to life, Felix. I guess I kinda envy it."

I blinked, Newt's words were shocking, "Really? I mean, I have a way with the crops but I never really thought of it as a gift."

"Of course it's a gift!" The boy exclaimed.

"Well the basics of it come naturally, I suppose, but it's taken me a lot of trial and error and practice to succeed in some parts of gardening," I shrugged, continuing to rake up the soil.

Newt leaned on his shovel, staring off into the distance, "I wish I was more like you, 'Lix. You never fail to bring everyone else up, you're just so positive all the time. It's as though you breathe life into everyone you see..."

I stopped raking.

He wasn't wrong, I did try to maintain happiness throughout the Glade because if I wasn't going to do it, who was? But still... I lacked in so many other ways that Newt never seemed to notice.

I gave a light chuckle, "It's funny, then, Newt. Because I wish I was more like you..."

"What?! Me? Why would anyone want to be like me?" Newt flustered.

"You don't realize it, but people rally around you, you inspire them. Shuck, Newt, you inspire me. You've got impeccable leadership skills and-"

"Stop." He said flatly.

"What? Why?" I asked, taking a few steps towards him.

He shook his head, refusing to meet my eyes, "Don't lie and tell me how I'm such a wonderful person to make me feel better..."

I scrunched my brow, "Is that what you think? Newt, why would I lie to you?"

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