2.4 Wait

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TW: homophobic comments

We set off optimistically.

That was a stupid mistake.

The Scorch was dreadful, we'd never experienced weather like it before and I hated it.

There was sand in my teeth and dirt in my eyes and did I mention the sand?

God, the sand got everywhere. And it stayed everywhere too. I had sand in my socks and other places I didn't even want to think about.

"You look like you're having fun," Newt grinned at me sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, "Loads."

"So, I was thinking." Newt held my hand with his. "When all of this is over, we should go for a lovely picnic dinner under the stars." My boy was practically beaming at the idea, how could I say no?

I smiled, regardless of my exhaustion, "Of course, love. As soon as we're safe."

He squeezed my hand and leaned into me.

"I love you, Felix," He said.

I turned his chin towards me, "I love you too, baby." I kissed him gingerly, as if all the words I had ever failed to conjure found their way into this kiss.

I loved him so importantly, so deeply, that it could kill me.

Newt could kill me and I'd still forgive him.

He broke away, "Felix, there's something you should know..."



"It's okay," He said. That's not something you say when things are okay.


"It's about Thomas-" What?

"Newt!" Minho was waving him over now, he was sitting with Thomas at the fire.

"Shit-" Newt muttered and stood, brushing the sand off his shorts. "I'll be back okay, and I'll explain it."

"I-" Without even hearing what I had to stay Newt turned away from me. Well fuck me then.

"Ah," Jack plopped down clumsily next to me. "The A Team am I right?"

I scrunched my brow, "What?"

He gestured towards them, "What, you don't see it? The best leaders and best fighters excluding everyone else?"

I scooted away from him, "I don't know what you mean."

He scoffed, "Well that's cause you're shacking up with one of 'em. I'd keep a tight leash on him, never know who he'll run off to."

I was appalled, "Jack, what the fuck are you on?"

He clapped me on my back, I winced in fear as he hit my old bruises. "C'mon... just be lucky you made him gay before he realized how hot real chicks are."

I slapped his hand away immediately, "Get the fuck off me, slinthead." I stood and stormed off.

"Just wait til he sees what he's missing, princess!"

I didn't wait for Newt to sleep next to me that night.


Another day of sand, and another day of being ill prepared for the Scorch. They never told us we'd be washing sand out of our eyes or sweating through our clothes. They didn't tell us we'd be getting sunburns so bad they'd peel during the day or that we'd be facing scorpions during the night. Quite frankly, I was pissed.

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