2.9 Without

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⚠️ trigger warnings: gore and suicidal thoughts. ⚠️

I glared up at the man who stole our freedom. I had a fury in my heart and a need for violence.

"Why don't we start simple. Amy," Max nodded towards the little girl.

No. No!

Newt held my hand in an iron grip. He didn't want me putting myself in the line of fire. But... she was a child!

"No!" Hiro screamed. It was the loudest I had ever heard her. "She doesn't even know how to spell her name!" It was a lie but... anything to protect the girl.

"Sir... If I may." Cally stepped forward.

"What is it?"

Cally cupped a hand over her mouth and whispered into his ear. After a moment of thought, he sighed and waved his guards off.

"Very well. Hiro, you've volunteered yourself!" He clapped his hands together. He was... enjoying this.

I watched as Hiro held her tongue and accepted her fate. Even though none of us knew what that fate was. The guards surged forward again and captured Hiro, one on each arm. Amy started to cry.

The soldiers dragged Hiro up to the catwalk where Cally and Brenda had pulled out a hospital chair and a table of various surgical tools.

"As you are aware, you 'Gladers' know near to nothing. Being immune requires a special species of brain matter, different than others. With a small bit of this matter we are able to craft what is called Bliss. A temporary drug used to relieve the symptoms of the Flare. A rather useless invention if you ask me, but... folks are willing to pay for it." Max held up a small vial of a murky gray liquid.

"Thank you for your sacrifice. Please wait your turn." He turned and disappeared from sight by entering a darkened room behind him. But from the same room a familiar face emerged. Teresa.

Jorge, Brenda, and Cally followed Max, leaving only Teresa, half a dozen armed men, and a helpless Hiro who had been strapped down to the chair.

We were fucked.


Teresa didn't look anyone in the eye as she killed Hiro. Nor did she allow her any last words. Teresa revved up her electric bone saw.

Newt pulled me into his chest. "Don't look. Don't look."

I held my hands firmly to my ears, trying to block out the sounds of my friend dying. I had my eyes squeezed shut too and my head buried into the nape of Newt's neck. His head rested firmly on my shoulder and I knew he didn't dare to look either.

People were crying and throwing up, screaming... there was so much happening and all I could imagine was Newt in that chair.

Being sawed into and...

I've never thought about ending my own life but... If I was forced to watch that, there would be no stopping me.

It sounded dramatic but a life without him wasn't even imaginable in my head. Not after everything.

Hiro stopped screaming and I knew she was dead. I sobbed violently and clung to Newt like my life depended on it.

"Felix..." Newt whispered to me, I could barely hear him. "We have to move."

I just shook my head, I couldn't bring myself to speak.

"We have to make ourselves as small of a threat as possible. Come on." His voice was gentle. I didn't feel real.

To Capture A Heart | The Maze RunnerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin