Holiday Special

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*this doesn't follow the timeline, I just wanted a cute winter holiday moment :)*

"Psst- Felix!" Newt did his best to wake me, but I just rolled over.

"You are missing Holly Day!" Newt urged.

I groaned, suffering from the lack of sleep. With all of the crops dying, my job didn't leave much room for rest.

"Here," Newt added, giving me a kiss on my nose. "I have an extra gift for you tonight," He whispered and I opened my eyes slowly.

"You are a naughty boy," I commented, smiling.

He grinned, "Anything to start Holly Day!" I sat up and reached over to the side of the treehouse where I had left me present for Newt. It was a small rectangle wrapped in brown packing paper, we didn't have much in the Glade for gifts.

I handed it to him and he opened it gingerly. Inside was a brown moleskin notebook.

"I thought we could exchange letters in it, love notes I guess." I noticed his jaw was dropped and I grew worried. "Or if you don't like that idea it's fine, we don't have to-" I rambled until Newt launched himself at me, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"I love it, 'Lix. Thank you." He assured.

I blushed, "You're a... you're welcome."

Newt gave me my present next, a larger box also wrapped in brown paper. I tore into it, finding a brand new pair of weather resistant work boots. 

"Newt!" I exclaimed. "Where did you find these?" I fawned over the black shoes. 

Newt shrugged. "I just sent a request down and they showed up a week later. I know how much you needed new work shoes, considering your current ones are torn to shreds."

I smiled brightly, "Thank you so much! They're perfect." I kissed him briefly to show my gratitude.

Newt flushed, itching the back of his head. "I guess we should join everyone else?" I nodded, putting my new shoes on and descending down the rope ladder.

Outside, a fresh layer of snow had fallen last night, leaving the ground soft and powdery.

"Newt!" I exclaimed. "It snowed!"

He chuckled, "I know, baby. I was waitin' for you to notice." 

He grabbed my hand, his golden warmth fighting off the dreary winter. "Now let's go see what special breakfast Leah and Fry made."


Once inside the dining hall, the Holly Day cheer was strong. Gladers had exchanged gifts and Amy and Carter were especially spoiled as they had received the most. Both were currently enjoying their gifts, with Amy having a toy car and Carter indulging in a coloring book.

Newt was right, the Cooks had done a great job with breakfast this morning, making plenty of pancakes and bacon for everyone to feast on. They had also prepared egg nog, how? I didn't know, but spiked with Gally's specialty it was a real treat.

"Happy Holly Day," I slurred, a little too drunk on egg nog.

A sober Newt rolled his eyes and stopped me from sliding off the bench. "Happy Holly Day, 'Lix."

I smiled, "What do you think love means?"

Newt blushed, not really sure how to answer such a deep question. "Oh um... I guess it feels golden... Like you have such a deep connection with someone, the energy you give off is.. golden."

I smiled again, "You're golden, Newt."

He chuckled, "Only for you, Felix."

I hummed, "What sets your heart on fire?"

"You..." He whispered.

"Hmm, good."

"Whats sets your heart on fire?" He asked me this time.

"Plants," I say. "But you're a close second.

Newt rolls his eyes and laughed, "Only you would say that." 

hi guys! sorry this isnt longer but I wanted to put out at least something. Happy Holidays everyone!

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