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Hey, so this plot was created by stilestastic thank you so much for trusting me with your ideas, I hope I don't disappoint. So, a few things first, the mazes have all genders in them. This is my way of making this fic stand out from others. I will try my hardest to update at least one chapter every two weeks. And this book will have three separate parts, one for each book. The labels will go something like: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and so on. And then when the next part comes, it will start with 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, and will continue like that.

Rhys Matthew Bond plays Felix

And without further ado, I present to you the first chapter of "To Capture A Heart"

Squirming, breathing, panting... How would it feel to run? To just simply release, let go of everything tying me down and sprint away.

I couldn't run forever, though, a giant stone wall stands in my path. I want to conquer those walls one day. I want to see the view from the top. I want to escape.

But I am tied down.

It's like the roots of the very own plants I nurture are wrapped around my ankles, securing me to one place.
I love the Gardens, but sometimes I just wish I was doing more, I wish I could leave, and run.

That's how Newt described running, anyway. Running for miles in the Maze. Just you and the ivy and the long corridors of running space.

"Hey! Felix!" My head snapped upwards to see little Amy come my way. Amy and Carter were our youngest, they could have only been nine or ten. The entire Glade treated them like our own little brother and sister.

"Yes, miss Amy?" I asked, setting my garden rake against a tree.

She tried wiping a smudge off of her dark skin with no success, "Carter stole the apple you picked for me!"

I chuckled, "How about I pick ya another?"

The little girl nodded, grabbing my hand and pulled me towards our apple orchard.

Okay, that was a lie, our "orchard" consisted of three minuscule apple trees. Hiro helped me tend to them, apparently they were already here when the first group of Gladers arrived. Hiro was a good friend, even though she rarely spoke. That was okay, though. She was a hard worker and Zart appreciated that.

Amy led me past the water well and to the trees. And to my surprise, there was the blondie himself. Newt was on a step-ladder, struggling to reach the apples at the top of the tree. I stood there in shock for a moment, the way the sunlight split through the treetops and illuminated Newt... it looked like he had a golden aura surrounding him. It took me a moment to relieve myself of his beauty and realize that he was close to falling from the step-ladder.

I stifle a chuckle, "Newt, you're gonna fall."

He shook his head, "No, 'Lix, I'm not."

My heart jumped a little at hearing him call me by my nickname, come on, deep breaths, Felix. "Well at least let me hold the ladder for you, slint-head." I walked forwards, grasping the ladder from the base.

Newt sighed, clearly not very happy to have my help, "Here, Amy," he handed her his burlap sack that was halfway full of apples. "Take these to Fry and Leah in the kitchen, see if they can't conjure up a pie for dessert or some apple juice for breakfast."

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