1.10 Change

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With the doors grinding to a halt, Thomas was gone.

Alby, Minho, and Thomas would all be spending the night in the Glade.

The Gladers were quiet. I think we were all in shock. No normal glader had entered the Maze since Gally over a year ago.

"Newt?" I asked quietly, unsure what all of this meant.

He didn't say anything, just dropped my hand and addressed the crowd.

"Go eat dinner," He ordered. "It's an early curfew tonight."

Reluctantly, Gladers listened to him. Though I knew none of them wanted to, we had just lost our leader.

"Newt?" I tried again.

This time he turned to me, teeth clenched. "That means you too, Felix."

I was shocked. I wanted to say something more, to maybe help him, but he already turned away. He left me with questions and a cold response I couldn't figure out.

Tears brimmed my eyes but I didn't bother saying anything more. I just turned and ran for the woods. I didn't want him to see me cry.

I made it to the treehouse, climbing up in a frenzy and pulling up the rope ladder behind me. I didn't want to see anyone... especially Newt, not right now.

I didn't know what was gonna happen, and it scared me to death. With Alby probably dead, Newt was going to be leader. And I loved Newt, but I wasn't sure if he could handle that.

And if Minho died as well... all hope might as well be lost.

I tucked my knees into my chest. I just wanted to stop thinking.

"Felix?!" It was a male voice, but wasn't Newts. There was no accent. Looking out the window I saw Jack.

I opened the window, "What do you want?"

"To check on you?" He shrugged. I sighed and sent the ladder down.

After reaching the top, Jack sat down next to me. He pulled a bottle of Gallys liquor out of his backpack and handed it to me.

I took it, but just held it in my hands. I wondered if I wanted to get intoxicated right now...

"The way Newt acted was shitty, I'm sorry."

I sighed, taking a drink of the alcohol anyways. "Yeah. It was."

"They're gonna be okay you know."

"Who?" I took another drink.

"Alby. Minho- the Greenie. Minho's smart and he knows the Maze better than anyone."

I scoffed. Another sip.

"No, really." Jack urged, his expression pressing concern. "I mean it."

Another swig. "Nobody survives the night in the Maze."


I cut his bullshit off this time, "Look, I know you want to cheer me up, but I just really want to be alone tonight."

He clenches his teeth but nods. I watch him carefully as he grabbed his bag and descended down the ladder.

After he left I pulled it back up, cutting me off from society once again. Thank god.

I babied the jar of bad decisions as night fell like a blanket over the Glade. And with the night came my exhaustion. I fell asleep soon after that.

If Jack was right, we'd find out soon.


That night I dreamed. It wasn't something my subconscious did often but with the alcohol mixed with stress, it was enough to send me over the edge.

To Capture A Heart | The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now