1.6 New

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"Felix?" A gentle hand was on my back, rubbing me awake. "'Lix, wake up."

I opened my eyes to find myself huddled in the comfort of Newt's chest. My arms were wrapped around his waist and I was turned in to him. We had fallen asleep up here.

I pulled away, rubbing the sleepiness from my eyes. I sat up, "What time is it?"

Newt smiled, shrugging, "I haven't got a clue. It's dark though. I just woke up a few minutes ago to you shivering... I didn't want to move you to grab any blankets..."

My heart melted a little, touched that Newt cared, "Uh, thanks..."

"Here," Newt stretched over and grabbed a big blanket from the corner.

I took that as an invitation to get back into my position against his chest. I pressed my cold nose into the blanket as Newt held one hand to my back and one in my hair, playing with it slowly.

"Thank you," I mumbled softly.

He nodded, "Go back to sleep, 'Lix."

I shook my head, "But you're awake... I wanna stay up with you-"

"We've got a lot to do tomorrow, Felix..."

"Newt, I'm awake now. It'll be hard for me to fall back asleep."

He sighed and I knew I had won, "Fine."

"Favorite meal. Go."

Newt chuckled briefly, "Orange chicken and fried rice, you?"

"Beef pot roast, but the orange chicken is really good too."

He nodded, "Mhm, Leah and Fry do a good job of cooking."

"What do you think they talked about in the Keeper's meeting?"

He shrugged, sighing, "I don't know. The herbs dying, the wack weather... maybe the Greenie?"

I yawned, wiping automatic tears from my eyes. I didn't know why, but whenever I yawned my eyes would just instantly water up. "I hope we figure something out for the Glade..."

"Me too."

I moved on from that topic, it felt too real and present. "Do you remember anything before The Glade?"

Newt smiled, "A little bit... I remember a girl... my sister. She looked just like me, but smaller, younger. And I remember Minho, believe it or not. I get the feeling that he and I would cause many shenanigans."

I perked up, "A sister!? What's her name? Do you think she's in the Glade?"

Newt burst out laughing, his body shaking us both as he moved a hand to cover his mouth. I blushed and laughed with him, finding his reaction charming. He took a deep breath, trying to recover from his wheezing, "No, no. I don't remember her name, so I wouldn't know if she's in the Glade or not."

"Why'd you laugh so hard?" My brow furrowed.

Golden boy snorted and tucked a small piece of my hair behind my ear, "Because the way you were so happy and excited, it just... made me so stupidly happy."

"I-" My blush deepened, I was starting to get really warm suddenly. He smirked, knowing how flustered he made me, he pressed a kiss to my cheek and pulled away with his eyes closed.

"Ask me something else," He hummed, his heart as his beating rhythm.

"What's this between us?"

He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down, "I don't know. What do you want it to be?"

I laughed nervously, I didn't know how to reply. Yes, I wanted Newt to be mine but, was that too possessive? Are we moving too fast?

Newt smiled, knowing of the fear and wariness in my hesitation, "It's okay, 'Lix. We don't have to figure it out now."

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