2.6 Hook

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Getting my bearings, I could see a crowd of people, survivors by the looks of it, gathered behind the man with the shotgun. Most of them were armed and all of them were wearing a mask or scarf over the lower half of their faces.

"We don't want any trouble," Newt struggled to stand upright next to me.

"Like hell you do." The man with the shotgun aimed at my nose had a rough voice, one that I could tell was used to giving orders.

"You have ten seconds to explain who the fuck you are." Another girl, about Leah's height, sounded equally as mean as the first man. She had a pistol aimed at Newt.

"Easy, we'll talk, just put the guns down," Newt tried.

"Fuck no." She clicked the ammo into place. I was starting to panic. Being immune didn't stop us from dying from a bullet to the skull.

"Put down the damn guns!" I yelled, I wouldn't let them hurt him. They couldn't.

The man in front of me shot at my feet, causing me to yelp.

He reloaded it, "That was a warning, son. Names. Now."

I clenched my teeth. "Eat me."

"Suit yourself," He shrugged, aiming once more for my head.

"Jorge, wait." Another girl emerged from the crowd of people. "I know these idiots."

She slipped her scarf down off her chin and tears swelled in my eyes.

"Cally?!" My hands dropped to my side as she approached to hug me.

She smiled, "Hey, Felix."

She took us in, getting a better look at our injured, especially Minho, who was still unconscious.

"Get me a stretcher, Cole, quick." A boy ran out of the crowd and up the stairs.

"Jorge, Brenda, seriously, put the guns down." Cally waved her hand at them and the girl with the pistol- Brenda- grumbled but put the safety back on and pocketed her weapon. Jorge lowered his firearm but kept it at the ready.

Cally pushed through the Gladers, and started inspecting Minho's wounds.

"What happened?"

"Lightning storm," Thomas said, who hadn't moved from our leader's side since he'd been struck.

Cally nodded, "I can help him."

I was too stunned to think straight, "Cally, what happened to you? Where are the others?"

She waved me off, "Now's not the time Felix."

"She's right," Jorge interrupted. "Your friend will receive care while we discuss things." He nodded at me.

I shook my head, "No, I'm not in charge... Minho's our leader, he-"

"Felix..." Newt was by my side, his eyes were full of sorrow, but I didn't know why. "Take Thomas with you, it's okay."

He had gone crazy, "What?! But I'm not-"

"Looks like they've chosen for you, son." Jorge nodded to the group of boys behind me.


Frypan shook his head, "We don't have any more leaders, Felix. Talk on his behalf, Felix, please..."

I looked at Minho and looked back at Jorge. "Okay...Thomas, are you coming?"

He looked up with teary eyes, "Oh... yeah."

Jorge nodded at Brenda and Thomas and I fell into line, following her with Jorge bringing up the rear.


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