1.13 Fall

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"What the shuck." Minho breathed.

Almost as if it was in response, a strong metallic whir came from the Maze.

I saw Alby's blood run cold, "Grievers."

"Shit, okay," Newt sprung into action. "We need to get everyone to the Homestead. Keep everyone indoors." He started jogging towards the woods, probably looking for Gladers to warn.

"Newt!" I called, "Let me help!" He stopped running, now a few feet ahead of me.

He shook his head, walking back to me. "I can't, Felix... you're injured."

"But," I protested. "You need help, you can't-"

He kissed me, hard, shutting me up.

"I need you safe," He said once he separated our lips. "Don't make me regret living, please."

"I-" I searched his eyes, they were insistent that this was what he needed to do. I couldn't stop him. "I love you, Newt."

The golden boy smiled and kissed me again, "I love you too." With that he jogged away, taking my heart with him.

A hand was on my shoulder, Minho.

"We'll look out for him," He assured, Thomas at his side. I nodded and they raced after Newt.

"Come on," Teresa said. "We can keep things together in the Homestead." I nodded again and followed her lead.


In the Dining Hall, Hiro had already gathered our youngest Gladers, Carter and Amy. Chuck was nearby as well.

I was pacing around a picnic table, looking over the list of words I had recorded.

But I still couldn't understand them with any combination of the words.

Cally sat at the bench, "Sit." She instructed.

"Why?" I gave her a sour look, but my negativity wasn't meant for her. She raised an eyebrow and I sighed and sat down.

"I need to check your injuries, Felix." She held up a small flashlight, the size of a pen and shined it in my eyes.

I winced, "What are you looking for?"

"To see if you still have your concussion." She gritted her teeth.

"Concussion? You didn't say-"

"Yeah, I lied. Sue me." She rolled her eyes and put away the flashlight. "It's minor, but you still have one, just watch your head, okay?"

I nodded and she sat down next to me, curiously eyeing my list of words.

"Alby mentioned something about this to the other Keepers but it..."

"Makes no sense?" I huffed, "Yeah I know."

Cally sighed and set the paper down, "Maybe it'll make sense eventually."

I bit my lip, "I hope so." I took my first true look at Cally this night, there were bags under her eyes and her normal self seemed almost covered up.

"Cally?" I reached out and held her hand. "Are you doing okay?"

She chewed on her cheek, then answered honestly with a head shake.

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