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Sipping lemonades in the courtyard, Sam and Oliver Reynolds watched as people rushed past, eager to go home. More specifically, they both lost their eyes in the two girls sitting in the grass a couple feet on front of them.

"This summer is going to be good," Sam smiled softly, nodding to himself.

Oliver turned his head to look at him when he draped his elbow up the bench, smiling back at him. "In comparison to?"

Sam scoffed lightly, shaking his head as he looked away, refocusing his gaze on the two girls. "Any summer," He breathed out, "Yes, especially last summer, but really, any summer."

"Even better than the ones in the Hamptons?"

"Even the ones in the Hamptons," He smiled. His eyes lit up when Mary glanced back at him, letting his smile grow. "I love her so much," He sighed.

Oliver raised his eyebrows, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "Good— I know you're my brother and all but I'll kick your ass if you break her heart," He semi-joked, bringing his straw back to his mouth.

Elisa turned around to look at them as well, knitting her eyebrows together.

"What about you?" Sam asked quietly, crossing his ankle over his knee.

"What about me?"

"Do I need to worry about kick your ass too?"

Oliver bit his bottom lip, tightly wrapping his hand around the glass bottle. "If anyone's breaking hearts, it's her," He breathed out, loosing himself in her as she walked closer.

"What the hell?" Elisa scoffed, throwing her hands up, "Where did you get lemonade?"

"From the café," Sam shrugged, taking another sip.

She knitted her eyebrows together, spinning around to look at Mary. "Mar, they got lemonade without us!" She called out, causing Mary to whip around.

"What the hell?" Mary shouted back, rising to her feet to come closer.

Oliver snickered, holding his drink up to Elisa. "Want some?" He offered, smiling softly.

"Yes, I want some," She huffed, taking it out of his hand, "You little shit."

He raised his eyebrows when she brought it to her lips, mindlessly gulping down the drink like her life depended on it. "Thirsty?" He smirked, leaning his elbow down on the arm rest.

She glanced down at him as she drank, raising her eyebrows in question. She let out a soft breath when she finished, handing him back the bottle as she wiped her mouth with the back of hand. "Mhm," She hummed, "Very."

He let out a soft chuckle, sitting up completely to lean toward her. "If we have some time, I can help with that," He told her, swirling the last bit around the bottle.

She opened her mouth in surprise, unsure what to say. "Uh— Sorry?" She laughed, wrapping her arms around herself.

"I can get you one," He shrugged, tilting his head curiously, "What did you think I meant?"

She knitted her eyebrows together, opening her mouth to respond when a distant voice caught their attention.

"Mister Reynolds!" An unfamiliar voice panted.

The two brothers turned to look at the voice, simultaneously squinting over at it in mild confusion.

"David!" Sam greeted with a kind grin on his face.

The man panted heavier as he approached, pausing to catch his breath before properly greeting the four teens.

With his platinum blonde hair slicked back, paired perfectly with his perfectly fitted black suit, it was clear why he was so out of breath.

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