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!!tw : the following chapter contains domestically (emotionally) abusive and sexual (consensual/non-violent) themes. please proceed at your own risk!!

Oliver had an immediate frown on his face when he sat down for dinner, looking back and forth between the obviously tense couple quizzically. His head turned when Sam sat on the other side of him, noting his lack of reaction before looking at the other two.

"Hey, guys," He called out, slowly reaching out to his plate.

Avalon sighed deeply, turning her body toward him and smiled. "Hi, Ol," She forced a happy expression, folding her hands in her lap.

He smiled back at her awkwardly and looked past, at Jackson. "Jack," He nodded his head as a greeting.

Jackson did the same, though his expression was much different— A visibly irritated scowl as he harshly picked up his sandwich.

Oliver's mouth opened in surprise, his eyebrows raised slightly, and turned his head to look at Sam again. He reached over casually, nudging Sam's elbow.

Sam frowned, looking up from his steaming bowl of soup in confusion. "What?" He huffed, clutching his spoon in hand.

Oliver blinked at him, quickly shaking his head as he looked back to Jackson, who watched him intently. "Nothing," He retorted, knitting his eyebrows together.

Mary slowed her pace as she walked up to the scene, holding her plate in hand. "What's happening?" She asked, standing above her seat in hesitation.

"Nothing," Avalon snapped, sinking into her seat.

Her eyebrows raised, Mary nodded as she put her food down and slowly pulled her chair out. She sat down slowly too, pausing to kiss Sam on the cheek.

Elisa bounced up behind her, putting her food down with a dreamy sigh. "I totally just aced my French test," She boasted, grinning to herself.

Jackson glanced at Avalon with a short glare before he turned to his girlfriend. "Good job, gorgeous," He grinned back at her, leaning over to kiss the side of her head.

Avalon outwardly scoffed, causing the others to look at her in surprise.

Elisa frowned, awkwardly shifting in her seat. "I mean— I feel good about it," She tensely defended herself, folding her hands in her lap.

Mary shook her head waving her hand dismissively, "You totally aced it."

Avalon sighed, leaning her elbow on the table as she faced Oliver. "How have you been, Ol?" She asked, smiling softly.

"Good," He told her, smiling back as he stabbed his fork down into his spaghetti, "And you?"

"Great," She replied quickly, leaning her body closer. "I miss you."

"Wh-" He paused, putting his fork down as he turned to look at her, "What?"

"I mean— I don't know," She trailed off, "I feel like I hardly ever see you."

He nodded, turning his body toward her. "Yeah," He said slowly, squinting his eyes, "You've been busy lately."

"Yeah," She chuckled, sitting away from him, "School was keeping me busy but it's pretty much done and over with now."

"We still have a couple months of school left," Jackson inserted himself into the conversation, causing them both to look at him.

"Spring break," She snapped back at him, rolling her eyes.

He smirked at her in amusement, leaning himself closer to Elisa, who obliviously turned and kissed his shoulder before turning back to her food.

Avalon sighed, calmly turning back to Oliver. "Anyway— I was hoping-" She trailed off, moving her chair closer, "We could talk about us."

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