37 (Elisa).

176 7 3

Malabar, NSW, Australia - March 3, 2016

Elisa stared down at the badge hanging from her neck, toying with the flimsy plastic mindlessly. She looked over her shoulder, squinting her eyes at her parents as they talked. Argued. She knew they were arguing. They were always arguing.

"Absolutely not," Her father spat, pressing his palms down on the table.

"I'm not asking you for your opinion, Michael," Her mother retorted, "Unfortunately, you don't get a say in where she goes-"

"She's my daughter!" He snapped back, catching the attention of the large man standing at the door, "You can't send her away from me!"

Elisa knitted her eyebrows together, turning around on the metal bench to look at them straight, bringing her leg up beside her.

Her mother shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest. "They've offered her nearly half tuition— I'm not asking you for the rest of it either," She told him, "I'm only telling you 'cause you aren't going to see her for a while."

Elisa turned around again when her father looked at her, tucking her hands into her lap shyly. It was always her that they'd argue about. Whether or not she'd see him the next day— Whether or not she'd see him that week.

"How are you okay with sending her to a different country? Across the ocean, Riley?" He grunted, audibly smacking his palms into the table, "How is it that I have no say in this?"

"She wants to go, Michael— This opportunity can change her future," She told him, "And you've got no say in it because she isn't yours-"

"Yes, she is!"

Elisa turned her head again, instantly rising to her feet when he did. She took a deep breath, clutching onto end of the bench so hard that her knuckles went white.

He groaned as his wrists resisted against the cuffs around them. He pulled at the restraints, rolling his eyes at the sound of them jangling against the metal table.

"Settle down, Michael!" The guard standing at the door snapped, his hand on his belt.

She exhaled shakily when he plopped back down into his seat, her eyes darting back and forth between the two of them.

Her mother cleared her throat, hesitantly turning to look at her. "Ellie, sweetheart," She croaked, holding her hand out, "Come say bye."

She tucked her hair behind her ears shyly, instantly wiping them against her jeans after. "I'll be back in November, you know?" She spoke out to him hesitantly, "They give a whole week off for Thanksgiving?"

Her mother nodded when she looked at her, a weak smile on her lips.

Elisa nodded with her, hesitantly reaching her hand out to grasp onto the coarse one of her father. "It'll be soon," She told him as she continued to nod, "I'll make sure to send letters when I can— And I'll definitely take Meatball with me."

He smiled back at her warily, gently squeezing her fingers. "I love you, darling," He breathed out, "I'm sorry I got upset. I just-"

"It's okay," She reassured him, shaking her head, "It's alright."

His smile grew slightly, nodding as he rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. "I'll miss you," He told her, "I think I'll be out around the next time I see you."

She smiled at him tensely, her lips pressed together as she refrained from speaking back to him. He most certainly was not going to be out the next time she'd see him. If he was out by November, he wouldn't be wasting his time with her.

"We can go to the shops— O-or maybe your mother will let me take your to Queensland and-"

"Elisa, sweetheart," Her mother called, holding her hand out to her with wiggling fingers, earning herself a glare.

Elisa took her hand away from him, softly patting the back of it. "I love you, dad," She told him with an apologetic smile, blindly reaching back for her mothers hand, "I'll see you soon."



So the bonus chapters may be short, like this one, but can range up to the size of a normal chapter, depending on what's going on. They're going to be published in chronological order, and they're all going to be stamped with a time and place like this one was.

Just incase you're a little confused, I want to remind you that the main plot goes through August of 2018 to July of 2019. I also wanted to note, because now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not actually sure I included it, that "Meatball" is literally just the stuffed animal [panda] that Elisa had with her all year (not the one she was gifted in chapter 33). I'm not sure why I totally skipped out on saying it's name because I fully intended to but it's cool 'cause you're learning it now.

I hope these can fuel any interest you have left in the plot, and, as always, don't be afraid to ask questions. Thank you.

All the love,

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