Year 3: Night walks and Marriage

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The next morning (oh so you thought) you felt someone shaking you awake.

"Get up!" she said desperately.

You just hid your face into Harry's hoodie curling up into even more of a ball trying to fall back asleep.

Then you heard Ron shaking saying "he was... right... over me with a... with a knife!".

"Who?" you heard Padma ask.

"Sirius Black!" Ron said "his eyes were dark as the night. He looked like he was looking into my soul!".

"That is preposterous Weasley" McGonagall said "I mean how could Sirius Black get through the portrait hole?".

"I don't know how he got in! I was a bit busy dodging his knife."

"Percy, have you seen Sir Cadogan?"

"I-I- he's there" Percy said walking over to the portrait on the wall.

"Sir Cadogan! Sir Cadogan!" McGonagall said going through the crowd off Gryffindors.

"Ah yes, how may I serve you ma'am" he said bowing as he jolted awake.

"Excuse me, is it possible you let a mysterious man into Gryffindor tower tonight?"

"Certainly good lady, he had the password, for a few weeks in fact, on the piece of paper"

"Which foolish person wrote down the passwords and then proceeded to lose them?"

All eyes turned to poor Neville who was looking down shamefully.

"Is it always going to be you? Ugh, well Sirius Black is going tonight. All of you need to assume that he will return sometime. Now I speak for the entire staff while I say, while we take every precaution to ensure your safety, we are counting on yourselves to act responsibly, understood?"

Everyone gave shameful "yes" and nods as she walked back to bed.

You had only half heard this conversation because halfway through, you dozed off since you were laying on the couch the whole time.

"And your bloody cat ate my rat!" Ron yelled at Hermione.

"That's a lie" she responded.

"It is not and you bloody well know it!"

Ron then stormed off and Hermione sat down at the end of the couch that you were on.

"I can't believe it" Hermione pouted.

"I could've killed him" Harry said sitting on the the chair next to you.

"Pfft how?" you asked with your eyes still closed eavesdropping.

They both turned to you and Harry said "he was right there, he was close enough to touch, I could've killed him.".

"I'm sorry but no" you said still with your eyes closed.

They both turned to you again and Harry said "yes I could".






"Why do you not believe in me?"

Scars | Harry Potter x Reader (taking a pause)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat