Year 3: Bruised Noses and Hagrids Hut

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"Broaden your minds. You must look beyond! The art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the inner eye. Only then you can see. Try again. Now, what do we have here?" Trelawny said as you, Harry and Ron were asleep in divination.

The two spiked up but you still were asleep as you barely got any sleep because of Harry.

"Y/n" Harry said shaking you awake.

"What?" you asked annoyed since you had forgotten you were in divination causing you to bounce up.

"Oh do you mind me trying?" Hermione said appearing out of nowhere.

"Ok" Trelawny replied.

"The Grim, possibly"

Trelawny then grabbed Hermione's hand inspecting it and said "My dear, from the first moment you stepped foot in my class, I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination. No you see, there? Ah, you may be young in years but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is as shriveled as an old maid's. Your souls, as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave, mhm".

Well that was rude.

Hermione then yanked her hand from the loco witch and got up while hitting the crystal ball off the table so it rolled down the hallway as she stormed out of the classroom.

"What the fuck!" you yelled angry at Trelawny.

"Have I said something?" Trelawny asked innocently.

"Well what do you think?" you asked her.

She just then shrugged her shoulders and continued on with the lesson.
"She's gone mental, Hermione has!" Ron complained as you left your lesson. "I mean, not that she wasn't always mental, but now it's out in the open for everyone to see".

"No" you started "did you here what Trelawny said to her!".

"Hang on" Harry said picking up the crystal ball from the floor "we better take this back".

"I'm not going back!" Ron complained trying to leave as fast as possible.

"Fine. See you later." Harry told you both.

"See ya" Ron said.

But then you immediately followed Harry as you never knew what would happen with that psycho. (I just realized I could be talking about Trelawny or Harry, anyways).

"Just don't go snogging!" Ron called after you and Harry didn't even realize you were following him and thought Ron was talking about Trelawny.

"Oh shut up Ronald, I'm sure you're going to snog Hermione while we're gone" Harry quickly turned around seeing you but then you both walked into the classroom while Ron was standing frozen at the bottom of the staircase from what you said.

To your luck, Trelawny wasn't in the room so you didn't have to deal with her as Harry set the crystal ball down.

Harry started walking away when you saw someone's face appear in the crystal ball as it turned a gold color.

"Y/n Black" it whispered loudly and you recognized it as Sirius Black.

You scoffed at him when Harry was just confused. All of a sudden someone gasped loudly as they grabbed your shoulder tightly. You turned around to see Trelawny looking possessed or something.

"Professor Trelawny" Harry said scared on what she was going to do to you.

Then she started talking with multiple voices "he will return tonight. Tonight, he who betrayed his friends whose heart rots with murder, shall break free. Innocent blood shall be spilt and servant and master shall be reunited once more" and ended coughing dramatically letting go of your shoulder.

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