Year 2: Just like Magic!

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Harry's POV
The whole day during classes I couldn't stop thinking of how I smelled Y/n in my Amortentia. Sure whenever I see her my stomach flutters and my face turns red and I want to spend every second of my life with her. Holy Merlin, maybe I do like her! I don't know who she smelled in her Amortentia but I do like Treacle tarts. Wait maybe she did smell me! Actually no no no that's a stupid thought, why would she ever like me and plus everyone likes Treacle tarts. Those were my thoughts all day.

"Harry mate, you have been day dreaming all day, are you alright?" Ron said during lunch as I realized I was staring at the hearts in the Great Hall as the thoughts of Y/n filled my head.

"Oh yeah I'm fine." I told Ron.

Hermione and Ron gave me a suspicious look and Hermione said "I'm going to go find Y/n, she never misses lunch!".

"Ok" me and Ron said synchronized.

She left when I looked at Ron and asked "who'd you smell in your Amortentia?".

His face turned red and said "umm I'll only tell you if you tell me.".

"Ugh then I guess we'll never know. How about you Neville, who'd you smell?" I asked turning to him.

"Oh umm Luna" he said quietly so only Ron and me could here it.

"That one weird blonde girl in Ravenclaw?" Ron asked.

Neville only nodded his head when a Cupid came in the Great Hall and started handing out valentines to people. I rolled my eyes and started talking to Ron when a Cupid came up to me.

"For Mr. Potter" it said handing me the letter.

"Erm thank you" I said not expecting to get one.

I opened and read it.

His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,
his hair as dark as a blackboard. I wish he was mine, he's really divine, the hero who conquered the Dark Lord.

From your best friends little sister, Ginny

I cringed as I read it and folded it up not throwing it away so I didn't hurt Ginnys feelings. I mean she is really pretty and nice but I don't have feelings for her. She doesn't make me feel like Y/n does.

"Who's it from?" Ron asked.

"Oh um no one" I said knowing Ginny would get angry if I told her older brother.

Just then Hermione walked in with Y/n.

Y/n POV (first person)
Hermione finally convinced me to go to lunch so when we walked into the Great Hall I sat next to Harry. I tried acting as normal as possible and then I saw Harry with a letter and my heart immediately dropped.

"Who's that from?" I asked trying not to sound disappointed.

"Oh no one" he replied which wasn't good.

"Oh well what does it say?" I asked.

He then read it off.

"Well yours may be cheesy but it's better than what I got." I told him.

"Oh you got one too" he said sounding a little hurt.

"Yeah and get this, it was from Malfoy and you'll never guess what it said!" I said.

Hermione, Ron, and Harry then gave me a shocked look because why would Malfoy out of all people give me a valentine?

"Malfoy? Well what'd it say?" he asked.

"He asked me to fuck!" I said.

Then Hermione and Ron bursted out laughing and Harry looked at me even more shocked.

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