Year 3: Boggart

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"Ahhhh" you heard a loud glass shattering sound coming from the window but it turned out to be one of the ghosts riding a horse and it ran down the Great Hall.

"Does it hurt terribly Draco?" you heard Pansy ask him.

"It comes and it goes, though I consider myself lucky, Madam Pomfrey mentioned that another minute or few and I could've lost my arm." Malfoy said exaggerated.

"Listen to that bloody idiot, he's really laying it on the thick isn't he?" Ron said.

"Yeah but at least Hagrid didn't get fired" Harry said.

"Yeah but I hear Draco's father is furious, they haven't had the end of this" Hermione said.

You opened your mouth to say something when Seamus came running in holding a newspaper yelling "he's been sighted! he's been sighted!".

"Who?!" you asked.

"Sirius Black!" Seamus told everyone.

Everyone gathered around the newspaper that he sat down and Harry came up behind you placing his hand to the side of you but his body hovering over you causing you to turn a bright shade of red. His sleeves were slightly rolled up and his hair messy which made you melt.

"Dufftown? That's not far from here!" Hermione said.

"You don't think he'll come to Hogwarts, do you?" Neville anxiously asked.

Harry was breathing heavy on over you getting closer and you could feel your stomach do flips while your heart almost broke out of your chest. You were sure you were as red as fire and you felt like it too.

"There's dementors at every entrance!" a boy called out.

"Yeah along with Y/n's body guards" said George laughing along with Fred.

You rolled your eyes and Hermione said "this isn't a time to be joking around!".

"Dementors, he's already slipped past them once, who says he won't do it again" Seamus scoffed.

"That's right, Black could be anywhere, it's like trying to catch smoke, it's like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands." the boy replied.

There was a silence as everyone stared at the newspaper of the guy screaming into the camera like a maniac as the guards tried holding him back.

After the pause, George called out "Harry stop that, you're killing her!".

You went wide eyed as everyone looked at you and Harry trying to contain laughter. Harry just looked at them confused while Dean playfully pushed Harry away from you.

"What?" Harry asked confused and annoyed.

"I think I'm gonna go to the washroom" you said quickly getting up and walking out.

When you got there, you placed your hands on either side of the sink looking down. You caught your breath as you realized you were breathing fast. You then splashed water on your face to cool yourself down.

"Wow that boy really does things to you" you heard someone say.

You quickly turned around and it was Hermione.

"No I just I'm worried about Sirius Black" you lied.

"Oh yeah sure, I'm your best friend do you really think I wouldn't notice?" Hermione said.

You are too stubborn to even suggest to yourself that you liked him so you especially wouldn't express it to someone else even if it was Hermione.

"I told you I don't like him and I don't like anyone and I probably never will and will die alone!" you said with your face full of frustration.

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