Year 2: Timothée Chalamet?

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"Well, well, well, isn't it the great Y/n Y/l/n" Malfoy had said.

"Malfoy look, I don't want anymore problems. Now we have to get to class." you told him.

He had his minions Crabbe and Goyle behind him like bodyguards. He also had Blaise by his side.

You turned trying to walk past him when they scooted in front of you.

"Well move won't you?!" you said annoyed.

"Why leaving so soon Y/l/n?" he asked laughing.

"I told you I'm trying to get to class and I suggest you do the same!"

You tried getting around him once more when they scooted in front of you once more with their arms crossed. You were getting so fed up that you pulled up your arm in a fist punching his nose. He clutched it falling to ground whimpering as he always did. You grinned and started walking away when you felt a fist hit your cheek which made you fall to ground.

"What the hell?!" you said as you saw it was Blaise who did it.

He smirked and then you got up and also punched him in the nose. You both started punching each other back and forth when Goyle joined in as Crabbe was helping Draco on the ground.

"Unlike some people I'm trying to get good grades!" you blurted out.

"Is that so?" Blaise said smirking and following with a fist to your face.

He eventually tackled you to the ground as did Goyle with you pinned to the ground.

"Get off of me you chumps!" you yelled.

"Make me" Blaise said yet again smirking which this time you followed trying to punch him when you realized you couldn't move your arms and Goyle was holding them down.

His grip was tight which made you wince because of the bruises and scars from your past abuse from the orphanage.

"Haha see Y/l/n's weak" Goyle said laughing.

"At least I'm not like Malfoy acting like I stabbed him with a knife" you said laughing when that caused you another fist to the face.

"Get off of her!" you heard an unrecognizable voice say.

Blaise and Goyle just ignored it until they were grabbed by the collars of their shirts and punched hard in the face. When they were let go, they got scared and started running leaving Crabbe and Malfoy looking terrified as Malfoy wasn't whimpering anymore. Finally Crabbe and Malfoy ran off.

You were laughing seeing that happen and you turned to see who did it. It was a boy that looked a year or two older than you. He had dark brown almost black wavy hair and a sharp jawline with pale skin. He looked identical to Timothée Chalamet except for his eyes which were bright blue. The only reason you knew who Timothée Chalamet was, was because the girls at the orphanage wouldn't stop talking on and on about him and exchanging photos of him like trading cards which to be honest, freaked you out a little.

He was also a Slytherin as you could tell by his robes. How come I've never seen him before you thought.

He reached out an arm to help you up.

"Thank you" you said.

"Yeah no problem!" he exclaimed.

You both started walking the same direction in the halls which was awkward as neither of you were talking.

"I'm Thomas by the way, Thomas Pierce." he exclaimed.

"Oh hi Thomas, I'm Y/n Y/l/n" you told him.

"How come I've never seen you around as you're also a Slytherin?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen you around either"

"Well how about we get to know each other a little more. I'll start, I'm a fourth year and I'm 14."

"I'm a second year and I'm 12. I'm also trying out for the quidditch team this year!"

"Oh that's cool, I'm already on the quidditch team and I'm a chaser. What position are you hoping to be?"

"Well I know it'll be hard but I want to be a seeker. Also how have I not known you were on my own houses quidditch team?"

"Yeah that's weird but if you'd like, sometime I can help train you."

"Yeah that would be nice!"

"How about 6:00 this evening?"

"Sounds good!"

"What class are you heading to?"

"I'm headed to herbology, how about you?"

"I'm going to care of magical creatures"

"That sounds way more fun than taking care of plants"

You both laughed when you took an opposite turn to your classes.

"Well I guess I'll see you later!" he said.


You then you had herbology which was boring and sat the whole time excited for your quidditch practice with Thomas.

"Hey Ms. Y/l/n! Pay attention!" Professor Sprout said to you.

You rolled your eyes and Malfoy and his friends were laughing. You flipped them off as you were annoyed with them.

"Ms. Y/l/n! Detention"

You got angry, threw the pot on the ground which made it break and walked out of the class without a care in the world.

"Ms. Y/l/n! You come back here and clean up this mess right this instance!" she yelled but then you flipped her off as well which made Draco start laughing even harder.

You headed to Harry's class which was charms and sat right next to him shoving Seamus off of his seat.

"Ms. Y/l/n! What are you doing here and hurting students?!" Professor Flitwick asked.

"Oh I got detention and then I left because Professor Sprout was annoying as hell" you said.

"You cannot stay here as we are in the middle of class."

You rolled your eyes and flipped him off as you stormed out. You glanced and saw Harry in shock staring at you. You had no idea where to go but remembered Thomas was in care of magical creatures so you decided to head there. No one was anywhere in sight so you decided to go in the forest to where some of the creatures were. Then you saw a big crowd of older Slytherins and Hufflepuffs so you went to the group.

"Ms. Y/l/n, what are you doing here?" Mr. Kettleburn asked.

"How the hell do you know my name?"

"Well you're famous aren't you?"

You gave him an annoyed expression and just watched as he started talking again.

"Hey Y/n, what're you doing here?" Thomas whispered.

"Oh I got detention, then I left and went to charms where my best friends are and got kicked out of there so I decided to come here."

He laughed and then started taking notes again. The teacher saw you two talking and looked horrified but you had no idea why.

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