•*Chapter 10*•

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Third Pov

    Alastor entered the radio room, making his way to the filing cabinet. His eyes narrowed as he looked through the files, looking for a certain year and file. Something about Alastor was the fact that he had great memory. So it wasn't hard to pin down the exact date he was looking for. And there it was, December 25th, 1924. The year was currently 1928.
    Alastor scanned through the papers, finally finding the one his was looking for. He slowly took out the paper and set it down at the long desk, sitting down in his chair. His brown eyes were wide when he saw the picture of the {L/N} family, a seemingly younger version of {Y/N} in the photograph as well. Alastor picked up the paper, reading it. Why was her family on the news in the first place? And why did her never tell New Orleans this piece of news..?

{L/N} Family

    December 24th, 1924, the {L/N} family was found guilty for the murder of 50 victims. The husband and wife were the feared killers of {H/T} (Home Town), the husband killing and the wife cookies the bodies into her muffins. Many townsfolk have become sick due to the muffins. The married couple were arrested, and now are put up for execution. The Children are nowhere to be found, now listed as missing. {Y/N} {L/N} and Dawn {L/N}.

    If anyone sees or hears about them, call any police department, it is feared the children took part in the murders, but no proof has been found that they had participated in such actions.

    The married couple; {M/N} and {F/N} {L/N} (Mother's name and father's name.) ran a bakery, their muffins were their highest selling goods. Their baked goods were loved throughout the town, but they themselves weren't liked by very many, {F/N} was known to be aggressive and went through many mood swings. Many assumed {F/N} had a bipolar issue.

    "{M/N} was known as very sweet until many found out she was manipulative." Says Brian Lee, a civilian of the town. "She was actually using and manipulating us to get things to go her way. Just for things to bend to her benefit. Some confronted her. Ended up dead a week later. Everyone suspected the {L/N} family were the evil ones around here. Y'know, with the killings and all."

    Old classmates of {Y/N} {L/N} were questioned, to discover what she was like before she had grown up.

    "Well, she was odd. Very odd. Always quiet. Only answered us by using paper and pencils. A lot of the class thought it was weird, even the educator. Mrs. Miller grew upset at {Y/N} after a while. The freak just- she just snapped! Started screaming! Even threw things at poor Mrs. Miller!" Says Diana Windson.

    "{Y/N} was often picked on in our high school years.. All because she preferred not to speak, preferred not to make friends. She was known as the smartest in the class! (This isn't me for sure. I don't even have one A for a single class :'> aNyWaYS-) Everyone always tried asking her for assistance and all but she never even talked back. I felt sorry for her. {Y/N} had a target on her back for those who liked picking on people." Says John Lenning.

    "Alice Speckle was the one who always took it too far when it came to messin' with {Y/N}. Always slappin' her. Or kickin' her. Always pulled naughty pranks on the poor girl. But no one dared step in, I mean, she was part of the {L/N} family. Everyone feared her or loathed her. Never an in between." Says Dan Rodgers.

    Alastor slammed the paper on the desk, deciding he was finished reading the article. So, that was why his doe's last name seemed so familiar. Her parents were killers. And {Y/N} was the so called freak of the town. Is that why she was in New Orleans? To escape her history? To run away from the authorities?
    Alastor leaned back, running a hand down his face. He wasn't sure what to think of this. The other half of murders started at the beginning of this year, 1928. It didn't match up. {Y/N} claimed she had been here for four years. If she truly were the other killer and took part in her family's sins, wouldn't the murders have started when she arrived? And she seemed too kind to be the other murderer..
     Something tapped Alastor's shoulder lightly. The man jumped slightly, instantly using his body to cover the paper. He blocked {Y/N's} sight of the paper, showing a wide grin.
    "{Y/N}! My dear! What you still doing awake? I thought you were tired! You should head back to bed, my doe..!" Alastor leaned his head into his hand, staring into her {E/C} orbs. {Y/N} lifted up her notepad and pen, writing something. Alastor narrowed his eyes. One of the people from the article said she used paper and pen to communicate, just like she is now.
    'I was about to sleep, but heard someone repeating 'no' multiple times. Was that you?' Alastor let out a low hum, realizing he was in denial of the fact someone as kind as {Y/N} could be the other killer. And because people picked on her, in his book, that was a no no.
    "My dear, I was simply saying no to what wouldn't fit in this house. I was thinking of more wall, decor, no?" Alastor lied, partially at least. He really was thinking of getting more wall decor, just not in the moment he was reading the article.
    {Y/N} nodded as she walked over, spreading her arms out with a nervous smile. Alastor tilted his head, then remembered. This was her asking for an embrace. Alastor chuckled as he stood, revealing their height difference as he spread open his own arms. He was beginning to grow accustomed to hugs now, only from her, not from others. The {H/C} haired girl beamed as she ran to Alastor, wrapping her arms around him as he wrapped her arms around her.
    The New Orleans serial killer closed his eyes, letting his grin drop a small bit. {Y/N} couldn't be the other killer. He thought she was too kind and adorable for such a sinful thing. But then why were both Dave and Alastor's shadow friend suggesting she was..?

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