+*Chapter 1*+

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|<|Third POV|>|

      A lovely woman sat at a small table by herself, sketching something on a piece of paper with a pencil. She was smiling to herself, enjoying the peaceful cafe. She loved the beverages that were made here in the peaceful cafe, and rather enjoyed the people that came around here often. The woman fiddled with a piece of her {H/C} hair, her stroking movement on the paper coming to a halt. She wasn't quite sure how to go about the next part of her drawing.

She took a sip of her hot chocolate as she set her pencil down beside many other tools used for art. After swallowing  the hot yet sweet drink, she lot out a long sigh, her {E/C} eyes opening to look out the cafe window. It was raining in New Orleans currently, which was perfect weather to the young woman. She was a woman of few words, or rather, it was difficult for her to speak her mind, so she communicated through other sources, such as art for example. You could see the start of a drawing upon the paper, and it looked like a lady spinning in the middle of a field of flowers, the sky looked as if it was supposed to be cloudy in this drawing, though no-one could really be sure until it was completed.

This woman was wearing a black dress upon her figure, it reached her ankles, which lead to her shoes, which were black flats. The dress had a few white roses sewn here and there, but it was a gorgeous dress for a gorgeous lady in the 1920s. Her lips were painted a dark red, though it suited her outfit nicely.

She looked towards the entrance as she heard the small bell ring. A man walked through, a rather charming one at that. Circular lenses rested near the end of the man's nose, and he wore a red vest over a white button up shirt, the sleeves properly rolled up to his elbows. Brown short hair, which was neatly combed to the side. His brown eyes scanned the menu, his black shoes gently tapping the floor. He had ordered black coffee with no sugar, and had payed the demanded price, the money taken from the pockets of his rather expensive looking black pants.
The quiet woman, turned away after she finished observing him, continuing with her drawing peacefully. It was well known in the cafe, at least for those that came often, to leave the area around the woman empty. She loved the peace and quiet, and didn't much like crowds. But the man who was new here, didn't quite know such a thing. He also wanted to be in a peaceful area of the cafe, but also wanted to converse with someone. And the lovely lady in the rather deserted corner had caught his eye.

After receiving his coffee, the brown haired man went towards the woman, clearing his throat, but not too obnoxiously. The woman looked at him with surprised {E/C} orbs. She set down the wooden drawing tool and politely set her hands in her lap, signaling she was listening to whatever the rather tall man had to say. 

"Well, hello, dear! May I sit here..?" The man questioned. He seemed to be quite the gentleman, and his rather cheery smile remained plastered upon his face. The not so talkative woman nodded in response, showing her own soft closed mouth smile. The man dressed in a red vest took a seat across from the lovely lady. "The name is Alastor, my dear! If you don't mind sharing, what might your name be, hm..?" The man with the name of Alastor rested his head in the palm of his hand, the fingers of his other hand calmly tapping the table in a rather rhythmical manner.
The woman took a deep breath, her mouth opened and closed, finding it difficult to form words with her voice. She had become to shy, and nervous. She took out a notepad and pen, scribbling across with speed, and the handwriting ended up rather elegant. She showed Alastor what she had written. '{Y/N} is my name! It's a pleasure to meet you, Alastor! How have you been this rainy afternoon?' The note read. Alastor quickly read it, then responded.

"A wonderful name for a wonderful lady, I see! It's quite a pleasure to meet you as well, my dear! And I'm quite jolly this afternoon despite the rain! Thank you for asking!" Alastor seemed very energetic and positive, as well as charming. His compliment has left {Y/N} blushing a bit. "But what about you, darling..? How has your afternoon been?" Alastor took a sip of his bitter coffee after speaking as {Y/N} wrote down her response. He was a bit confused as to why {Y/N} wrote instead of spoke. It made him rather curious. A few seconds later, the lovely woman showed her response.

+*A Beautiful Note*+ (Alastor x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя