[?]Chapter 14[?]

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<=>Third POV<=>

      Alastor sat in a cushioned chair, quietly reading a book while sipping on tea. Beside the chair was a bed, where {Y/N} sat, scribbling against her notepad with frustration. She still felt a bit dizzy after waking up, and a cloth had been wrapped around her head.
      "Take all the time you need, my dear." Alastor said, still reading his book. {Y/N} looked up at the man with squinted eyes, then went back to what she was doing. She was trying to write what she had to say, but only words were on there, words that made absolutely no sense at all. With a huff, {Y/N} began to stand slowly, careful of her injury. She seemed so calm and happy after what had happened, while Alastor seemed more impatient, and angered. The injured woman made her way to the tea set on the small table in front of Alastor, tapping his leg. The radio host lowered his book to see {Y/N} tapping the extra cup.
      "Of course, darling. You don't even need my approval for some silly tea." He lifted his book back up while {Y/N} nodded and began to poor herself a cup of tea. "Did you give up on writing, my doe?" {Y/N} sat there for a moment, then nodded sheepishly. Alastor chuckled as he shut his book, setting it down upon the small table. The woman in front of him adjusted the cloth before taking a sip of the tea she had poured herself, Alastor staring as he drifted off into thought.
That man. That damned man. Had hurt {Y/N} Alastor's brows furrowed, his sight going red. He was going to do violent things.. many violent things.. The man let out a crazed chuckle as his hand went to cover his eyes. {Y/N} watched with concern. Her best friend was acting odd.. I bit too odd. She had never seen this before. Alastor staring off and laughing like that. It honestly.. scared the woman. She wanted to ask why he was laughing like this.. but she couldn't. She was genuinely mute for once.
Alastor apologized as he became to calm down, his hand running down his face as he chuckled.
"I apologize, my dear! I just found a thought of mine quite amusing!" {Y/N} still stared. She recognized a laugh like that. One that came out of nowhere. Her finger went to point, about to accuse the man of having mental issues.
"No.." She thought. That would be cruel! Mean, unkind. {Y/N} nodded her head as she went to take a seat where she originally was, confused. That laugh sounded all to familiar.. and it was a bit scary for him to laugh out of the blue. She sighed before taking another sip of tea. What would she know? The poor girl pretty much had two personalities. Her crazed one, and her rather kind one. And her kindness was genuine. Never fake unless she felt crazed. It was like a switch. A switch {Y/N} wanted gone. Alastor stood from his seat, setting his book down and running a hand through his brown hair.
      "I have something to do, darling. I'll return shortly. You're free to do whatever you'd like here, as always! My home is your home, my doe~!" He pat the top of her head as he strutted out the room, his grin wavering. {Y/N} stared at the door before taking one last sip of that tea. It reminded her of the woman she had killed. A monster. That's what {Y/N} felt like at times. She looked at the lock in the room, noticing the time. 7:46 P.M. She figured she'd make something for her radio host partner, to thank him for caring for her. Twice now. She slowly stood, careful not to get dizzy, then made her way out the room, humming softly as she went down the staircase. No one was in Alastor's home, no one would hear her, no one would know.

|~|Time Skip and Alastor's POV|~|

I hummed a tune that {Y/N} and I had played on the radio a few days ago, entering the shop I had come across. Well, not really come across. More like the shop I was looking for! A famous flower shop..! One a certain man ran.. I heard the bell ding as the door closed, my posture straight and hands clasped in front of me.
"Welcome to my flower shop, sir! How may I help you?" The man asked. The exact man I was looking for.. That pathetic little coward.. The fucker that had hurt my doe.. Such a vermin.. He'd be lucky if I didn't rip his eyes out and feed it to- "Sir? Are you feeling well?" I blinked. Then allowed my well known grin to return.
"Yes, I'm perfectly fine. Well, you have such magnificent flowers! I wanted to get a bouquet for my lovely doe! Although, such flowers would never match her beauty! Anyway, any suggestions as to what flowers I should buy for her?" I tilted my head, squinting my brown eyes as the man lifted himself from the desk, walking around to me. If this imbecile dares to touch me I'll-
"Well, I have many kinds of flowers. Though, my more expensive flowers are in the back. I doubt they're something you could afford, though." The man looked up at me with a cheeky grin. How dare he assume something like that..?
"I beg to differ! I'm not sure if you recognize me, sir, but I'm Alastor! The Radio Host with my darling {Y/N}! You see, she was injured not too long ago. Someone had thrown a rock at her head! Her precious head.." I chuckled darkly, then fixed myself quickly. I cant give it away. Not yet, at the least.. I saw the man froze. He knew what I was talking about.
"That's a shame.. eheh. I hope she gets.. better." The man took out a few keys from his apron pocket, gesturing for me to follow him. This man.. is pathetic. Not admitting to what he had done when called out. Wouldn't offer the flowers for her for free! Such a piece of rubbish. I followed him towards the back, waiting for him to unlock the door. Unlock it. Walk in with me behind you. See what happens.. I dare you..
"These are my prized flowers! Take a pick! Any pick! Just know it's pricey, Alastor, my fellow." The man said. Hell, I didn't even know his name. I slowly shut the door behind us, making sure to lock it from the inside. The man turned with a bushy raised brow. My grin dropped. And so did his. "Sir, what are you doing..? You can't touch that door."
"You hurt my doe. And you didn't even admit to it.." I chuckled darkly, removing my monocle and placing it in the pocket of my black pants. "And then you go assuming I have no money to buy such.. puny flowers. These aren't even rare!" I approached him with an angered expression, snatching his wrist. "And you'll pay for hurting the woman I consider precious.." The man began to struggle against my grip, eyes wide with fear. He was realizing who I was. Good.
"Y-You're that serial killer.. A-Aren't you!?" I laughed, using my own fingers to slowly bend back his, his screams of agony music to my ears and twisted soul.
"I am! And such a title I'm proud to have!" The man's screams became louder, more panicked, realizing what would happen if no one helped. And no one would. And no one would miss him. I picked up the dirtied gardening shovel upon the table, stabbing it into the man's shoulder. Blood squirted onto the wall, and began to soak the victim's shirt. My smile was gone, my eyes were wide, my sight blurred with red. This man had hurt my precious doe.. and that was something no one could get away with.
      I released his arm, snatching his face instead, slamming his head back on the table, knocking over flowers. Flowers that shouldn't even be expensive. Yet another reason to bring this man pain. I began to dig my fingers into his eye sockets, his painful screaming, his begs to stop, they both were nothing but a tune. A tune I considered my favorite. But it was a tune others considered horrifying.
      "Stop! P-Please..! I didn't mean to h-hit her! I swear!" I scoffed.
      "You still hit her, you vermin!" I began to scoop my fingers beneath his eyes, slowly pulling them from the sockets. Such a satisfying thing to do. One eye ball had popped out completely. I examined it, a sinister grin spreading across my face. I lowered it towards my victim's mouth.
      "Eat it." I demanded. Staring into his injured eye that remained.
      "I SAID EAT IT!" I bellowed, kicking his shin. The man yelped, shaking his head. He refused. Oh, how that angered me. "When I say eat it.." I used my other hand to grab his lower jaw, pulling it open. I placed his eye in his mouth, pulling his tongue towards me. "I mean EAT IT!" I slammed his jaw shut, blood beginning to drip from his tongue. Tears could be seen mixing with the blood in his remaining eye, dripping down his bloodied face.
      I laughed, finding his pain and misery so very entertaining! My favorite form of it! I dragged him to the floor, dropping him as I went to grab the shovel again, humming a tune as I thought of what to do with it. I know~! The nerves under the nails hurt so very much! I bent down and grabbed his hand, looking at his bitten nails. Oh, they could've come off so easily.. What a shame. A nail biter. Don't bite your nails if you're going to do something that'll get them torn off!
      I dug the shovel under his nails, pulling the handle down to lift up his bitten nails. He howled with pain, attempting to get his hand away, attempting to kick me. How pathetic. I dug my nails into the middle of his arm, making sure I hurt the nerves and bone there.
     "I highly suggest not moving~! It'll hurt more~.." I chuckled as I continued, blood pouring from each finger that had nails removed. I collected them into the palm of my hand, proud of the masterpiece I had made. A masterpiece covered with a warm, red liquid. I held the nails above his bloody mouth, grinning.
      "Open~!" He refused. Didn't he learn the first time..? I pried his mouth open with my other hand. "Eat them." I dropped them into his mouth as he whimpered. He wouldn't chew. He tried to spit them. I shoved the shovel into his stomach, blood soaking his shirt and apron.
      "EAT THEM YOU PATHETIC, GOOD FOR NOTHING ROACH!" He did as told. As he should. I could hear the crunching that came from his mouth, sobbing as he attempted to swallow the nails. He began to cough, trying to get the parts of nails out of his throat, they were piercing him. Hurting him. Worse than hair stuck in the back of his throat. He deserved it. I heard someone enter the shop, and froze. I quickly used the shovel to slit his throat, as hard as it was. A shovel isn't exactly sharp. And I took the shovel. Something many knew not to do. But I had to. I didn't have enough time to clean up. I quickly scanned the room for a back door, smirking once I found one.
      "I'm sure you'll realize what you've done wrong down in hell, my fellow~.." With that, I left, making sure to wipe the door nob with my handkerchief before leaving overall. I couldn't go out in public like this. Blood all over me. I'd be arrested immediately. Found out. Exposed. I sighed as I though. I could contact {Y/N}! She'd help- Wait. She doesn't know about this. How stupid of me. Trusting her so easily with something like this. It just proved how I felt for her.. Hell, I just killed a man all because he threw a rock at her head! But.. I couldn't just.. let her go. I'm obsessed with her! I don't even know how I got into these thoughts.. I just need to change or something before I get caught.

+*A Beautiful Note*+ (Alastor x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя