<+Chapter 9+>

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|•|Alastor's POV|•|

=<One Week Later>=

      I let out a loud laugh after saying a joke of mine, glancing down towards the right to see {Y/N} smiling brightly. It was always quite a trip when it came to having a lovely time with my doe. Every Friday, just the two of us went for a picnic out by the woods closest to the city. We had already finished our food, so all we were doing now was enjoying each other's company.
      "Darling, are you having an enjoyable day so far? I don't want my company to be disgusting you, my dear." I turned my body towards the ravishing woman I'm here with. resting my face in the palm of my hand. Today I was wearing black pants and shoes as usual, with the normal white button up shirt, and a black vest this time. {Y/N's} white dress looked magnificent on her. It hugged her curved tightly yet loosely, her hair was curled. But then again, she looked lovely in anything she wore, even if it happened to be blood.
      My grin widened when my doe nodded her head, leaning towards me and taking my free hand. Something she often did was take one of my hands and fiddle with them. Bending my fingers different direction with softness, putting my hand in different positions, such as a fist or my hand spread out. As odd as it was, I rather enjoyed watching her do this.
      A low hum escaped my throat as {Y/N} wrapped her hand in mine, holding it carefully. She always treated me as if I was fragile. Normally I'd find it offensive, but when it came to her I knew it was simply the reason she never wanted to cause me any harm nor any to come to me. We had this conversation not too long ago, I asked her why she treated me with such care, her answer really made me have another humane feeling. One I come to like.
      {Y/N} was like a rich man's money to me. Precious, valuable, worth so much, mine. I love the attention she gives to me, and me alone. I find entertainment when it comes to observing her, and I love the feeling of being the one she confides in, the one protecting her from harm as her so called best friend. I'll admit, I've become rather possessive and obsessive of her, but wouldn't you be if you had an angel-like person being around you and talking to you, yet you alone?
      {Y/N} is my precious doe. Nothing can truly change that, even if I have known her for a short while. I was snapped out of my thoughts when {Y/N} softly set my hand down, crawling up closer to me and then resting her head on my shoulder. This was nice, surprisingly. So very nice. I looked over at my doe, my grin turning to a real grin. I then rested my head on top of her's, careful not to hurt her.
      "Darling, you didn't sleep last night, did you..?" I asked quietly, watching as the sun went down. I sighed when I felt {Y/N} shake her head. "Let's head to my place since it's closer, darling. You can get the rest you need there." I stood up, gathering up the trash from our meal, placing it in the picnic basket. Once {Y/N} had stood and moved to the side with her things, I folded up the blanket, rolling the soft fabric and placing it in the basket along with the rest.
      Offering my arm to my darling, which she took, we made our way back to my manor. Normally when it was this silent, I would tell many of my amusing jokes! But someway, somehow, the silence between us was comforting. It was like the ice surrounding my heart was melting. {Y/N} was making her way to the core. And yet, she didn't even know what she were doing to me.
      I raised a brow when I saw {Y/N's} mouth open wide, her free hand going to cover her mouth. Oh, that must've been a yawn! My darling must be growing tired!
      "Are you becoming tired, my dear?" I asked. I grin grew slightly when she nodded slowly, her eyelids drooping as we walked. I've never seen her this exhausted before. "How many days has it been since you last gotten rest, my doe?" I let out a long sigh when {Y/N} held up five fingers, a sheepish smile on her face.
      "Darling, you need some rest! Besides, we don't want you falling asleep on the job nor when we spend time together, right~!" I chuckled once she nodded, her grin being an amused grin. And that, my fellows, is when {Y/N} stumbled. I reached out for her quickly, grabbed her waist and pulling her up before she could collide with the hard concrete.
      "My dear, are you alright!? You really need to be careful of where you step!" I hauled her back to her feet, my hands on her small shoulders as I vent down slightly to look her in the eye. "{Y/N}, that was the thirteenth time today! Five days with no rest is taking a toll on you! How about we head back to my manor and you can get rest there, hm..? You won't even have to travel to get to our work space!" For a very good reason, I didn't like offering for people to stay at my humble abode! Of course with that wretched chef in the basement and all~! I didn't want {Y/N} to find out, I was.. quite afraid I'd lose her from my grasp once she found out. But, luckily, I am a careful man! And know very well how to cover up my tracks! I also know how to silence the screaming..
      I snapped back to reality when I say {Y/N} nod to my response, her {E/C} orcs glancing up at my brown ones. I gave a genuine grin, offering my arm once again as we made our way to my manor.

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