|^|Chapter 6|^|

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~•+*Y/N's POV*+•~

    My eyes widened as Alastor socked the man called Bastion. Alastor roughly yanked his arm from mine, going to continue his violent actions. I clasped a hand of mine over my mouth to prevent sounds of surprise leaving my vocal cords. The other hand reached out for Alastor's shoulder. Before I could the famous radio host stood up suddenly.

      "{Y/N}, my dear! Do stand back so no harm comes to you!" I looked up at Alastor with worry in my eyes. But terror shot throughout my body when I saw the blood lust in his brown eyes. Knowing I shouldn't provoke him by interfering, I stood back, keeping my head down.

      Attempting to ignore the pounding of Alastor's fist against the face of Bastion turned out to be a hard task. Moments had passed and the sound never stopped. But, it finally did. A bloody hand was revealed, blocking my sigh of the ground. I slowly looked up to see a bruise forming on Alastor's chin, causing my eyes to widen with worry.

      "Darling..? Are you prepared to continue our journey?" I reached up and gently dragged my pointer finger across the forming bruise, Alastor's grin fading slightly. I turned my head to see a larger cafe than my usual café that I went to. But it'll do. I took out a small handkerchief and started to wipe away the blood from Alastor's hands, but I could tell he was staring at the dried up blood on the cloth.

      After getting most the blood off, I gently took Alastor's hand and lead him into the bush cafe, quickly going to the front. I gave a polite but rushed smile, waving for an employee to assist me. A older woman came to the front, her short red hair curled neatly. She spoke cheerfully.

      "Hello, young lady! How may I help you?" She leaned on the counter towards me, patiently waiting for my response. I gave her an apologetic look, reaching over to get the small notepad and the pen, quickly opening to a clear page and writing quickly. I slid it over quickly, looking over at Alastor to make sure he was alright, only to see him giving a signature grin.

      'I'm sorry for grabbing your notepad and such, ma'am! I am unable to speak. But do you have a small cloth of ice I could use, miss?' When the woman looked back up at me, I gave her a pleading expression. She nodded, holding a finger up as she went back towards the kitchen. Soon after she returned with a dark blue small cloth with some ice cubes. I beamed in thanks, setting down 10 cents as I left with Alastor.

      I rushed to a wooden bench, having Alastor take a seat. Without saying a word, of course, I gently set the wrapped up ice on the bruise Alastor had received. It hurt to hear him hold back a wince. Although he winced, I held the ice against Alastor's bruised chin, letting out a long sigh. I gently took my pen from Alastor  and took out my notepad as wrote down what I wanted to say, then set the book of lined paper on Alastor lap.

   'You didn't have to do that, Alastor! Especially if you would've ended up injured in anyway!' Alastor shook his head with a low chuckle, speaking up as he leaned into the ice pack I kept upon his chin.

    "My dear, I don't want anyone you clearly don't want touching you, touching you. You're too magnificent for some piece of filth to even be in your presence!" I was surprised. Alastor had spoke those words so smoothly, and had managed to make butterflies take flight in the pit of my stomach. I run my free hand through my {H/C} locks before looking back up at Alastor, smiling in thanks. He then tilted his head slightly, speaking up again.

    "If you don't mind, do you think I can have one of those.. What was it called..? Oh, dear me, that's the word! May I receive an embrace from you, my doe..?" I froze slightly, surprised by the new nickname. But, honestly, I quite loved the new name! I gave a bright smile as I nodded, spreading my arms out for Alastor. His grin seemed to widened as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close, letting out a long sigh. I didn't blame him, especially after beating that quite strange man. So, I allowed Alastor to stay in the embrace for as long as he wanted.

+*A Beautiful Note*+ (Alastor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now