•!•Chapter 16•!•

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<•>Third POV<•>

{Y/N} waved politely at the man carrying a box filled with her belongings, then turned to a Alastor with a bright smile. All her stuff was being moved into his manor, just as Alastor said would happen. The brunette lowered his head down towards {Y/N}.
"Nothing is broken yet, correct, dear..?" He questioned, his eyelids half closed. The woman in front of him shook her head quickly. The truth was something did break. Her music box. She had made it herself, and created the song on her own. She was quite upset, but didn't wish to tell Alastor. {Y/N} wasn't sure how he'd react.
Alastor stared at her expression. He knew she was lying. Sure, {Y/N} wasn't an easy book to read, but his skills were advanced.
"What did they break?" Alastor asked, his tone suddenly harsh. {Y/N} let out a silent squeak, shaking her head harshly. She wrote in her notepad, holding it up speedily.
'They broke nothing!' The radio host shook his head, patting {Y/N's} hair before glancing around.
"I know you're lying, dear." With that, he walked off, searching for what they had broken. {Y/N} let out a huff as she crossed her arms, following the tall male. She decided to just show him the broken object rather than let him waste his time. She steered a different way, walking towards a small box next to the front door and picking it up.
      "I knew you'd do that, darling~!" {Y/N} jumped, spinning around with wide eyes. She had almost yelped, nearly exposed herself. Alastor took the box gently, taking it to the dining table with {Y/N} following close behind. He opened the box, then sighed. He knew how important the music box was to {Y/N}. The radio host knew she made all of it herself, and that the music had an important meaning.
      "Out of all the things they could have broken.." Alastor growled lowly. He turned towards {Y/N} with a long sigh. He wasn't annoyed, he was furious with the movers. "{Y/N}, dear, how about you go out to the garden..? Water the all the plants? I haven't gotten to them yet. I'd much appreciate it, darling!" {Y/N} beamed, quickly nodding her head as she rushed towards the back door to do as asked.
      Alastor waited a moment before calling all the movers to him. Once they all were there, his his dropped their sparkle, his smile turning sickly.
      "As you can tell.. You've broken something important to my doe, {Y/N}. And now you have to give her special treatment." Alastor tilted his head as he placed his hands behind his back.
      "Special treatment? Fella, we're just doing our job. She should've taken the music box herself if it was so important." The mover in the middle blurted. Oh, that was a mistake.
      Alastor was instantly in front of the blond mover, his eyes wide with rage. They seemed to be tinted red. "I said.." He snatched the man's face with one hand, his grip harsh. "You will give her special treatment. Am I clear..~?" The mover nodded his head quickly, at least the best he could. "Lovely!" Alastor released the man, turning and picking up the box.
      The movers dispersed, getting back to what they were doing while Alastor went up to his bedroom, placing the small box on his desk. It was currently November 19th, 1930. Christmas was soon, so Alastor figured he'd fix {Y/N's} music box as a small part of the gift he had prepared for his doe.

~•+*{Y/N's POV}*+•~

      I let out a huff as I stood up, nodding to myself. I giggled to myself, picking up the gardening supplies I had used. Alastor had a very large garden! No wonder he always had fruits, vegetables, and flowers laying around in the kitchen often! Now that I think about it, I've never seen him in the garden.. maybe he does gardening work when I'm not here..
      I went and rinsed off the tools and gloves, drying them with my skirt then placing them back inside the shed. I then threw the weeds I had pulled, going back for the large basket. I picked the ripe fruits and vegetables, surprised they were still growing during November. I was surprised everything was still alive and well during this time of the year. I shrugged, heading inside with the basket and heading to the kitchen sink to wash the foods.
      "My doe, you didn't have to pick those! I would've done it myself!" I smiled. I loved hearing his voice. Even if he was the other murderer. I turned towards Alastor and shrugged, turning back to continue what I was doing.
      "At the very least allow me to assist you, dear." Alastor washed his hands, then took some of the foods from the basket, cleaning them off as I did. I grinned as I looked towards Alastor. Me moving in his manor and this.. felt.. like we were married. I wasn't sure why that thought sent butterflies flying within my gut. But then I remembered.
      I love Alastor. And that was why I often had butterflies around him. I giggled, setting the wet strawberry in a separate, smaller basket. When I turned back, I was surprised to see Alastor staring at me with wide, hypnotized, eyes. Had I done something wrong..? I waved my hand in front of his line of sight.
      "{Y/N}. What on earth was that..?" I rose a brow at Alastor's question. What was he talking about, exactly..? "You giggled." My eyes went wide. Had I really been that careless while drifting off into the land of day dreams? I slapped my hand over my mouth. I giggled. I was supposed to be playing mute. But then I remembered. I never told Alastor why I was mute. So maybe I could play it off. I searched around for my notebook and pen, thinking.
      To be honest, it was like there were two different versions of me. The one that didn't see red never spoke, and the one that loved red did. It had been like this ever since the day I left home. When my family was arrested and given the death penalty, I had never screamed so loud, nor felt as much pain as then. I screamed and cried so much when I saw their execution. It still makes me upset knowing the authorities forced me to watch their death.
      Alastor held a piece of paper and pen in front of me. I took it gratefully, placing it on the counter so I could write.
      "I often prepare myself in case you forget you're way of communicating, I don't want you to feel stripped of that ability and right, my doe." Alastor went back to washing of the fruits and vegetables as he waited patiently for me to finish writing.
      I slid over the piece of paper, playing along with the act with a bright grin painted across my expression. Alastor took the paper, reading it carefully. 'I did? I might be getting my ability to speak back! Back then something happened to the point I went mute. The doctors did say I would recover eventually. That'd it only take time.' The brunette looked back at me, then the paper, switching between the two quickly.
      "You mean, I could possibly hear what your voice sounds like..?" I nodded quickly, beginning to fidget with a piece of my {H/C} hair. "Oh, that is absolutely wonderful! I bet on the nine circles of hell your voice is melodic!" I giggled, allowing it to purposely slip out this time. I guess it was time to make progress and speaking clearly with the world.
      Truth was, I needed the practice. I wasn't exactly faking muteness, I really couldn't speak. But when I saw red, and loved it, it always flooded back to me, then vanished when that red was gone. Maybe adrenaline? Passion? I wasn't sure. But maybe it was a good time to start gaining that ability back when I didn't see red. Alastor's eyes looked down at me with a.. look I've rarely seen, to be frank. Tilting my head, I rose a brow.
      "Your small laugh is adorable, my darling~." My eyes widened as I heard Alastor say such things. I felt the blood rushing up to my face, blushing, as I became shy. I covered my face with my hands, bouncing on the balls of my feet slightly. "Let us return to the fruits and vegetables, dear!" He turned and went back to the sink, continuing what we were originally doing.
      "Miss {Y/N}..? Would you like us to set up your belongings..? In your room?" I looked towards the mover that was in command, surprised. They weren't treating me with this amount of respect not too long ago.. I thought about it. It was somewhat their job, and I didn't want Alastor wasting anymore of his time on me and my belongings. With those thoughts in mind, I nodded my head. "Could you please come with us to show us where you want everything?" I glanced back at Alastor.
      "Go ahead, my doe. I got the rest of these~!" I smiled gratefully in response, leading the movers to the bedroom across Alastor's room. Alastor had emptied to room before the movers came, allowing my things to be placed in here. And to be honest, all my things could likely fit in this room, it was rather large.
      First, the movers started with my bed. It wasn't anything fancy, but it did suit me. It was placed in the center of the large room, my theme colors being white and red. It seemed bright compared to the rest of the manor, considering the theme throughout the rest of the home was black and red. My white love seat was placed at the end of my bed, curving around a white coffee table, with a glass center piece built within the table that spun. Perfect for tea and baked goods! The large bay window next to the bed was decorated with red curtains, and small red pillows on the corners of the cushions, the small shelf built on the wall of the window containing my books!
      My vanity was placed on the east wall (east if you're standing from the door) with a red cushioned chair pushed in under it. Pictures and paintings or drawing of mine were hung up neatly among the walls. Towards the west wall, there was a large area for art. A canvas easel was up against the corner, a small table containing paints, paint brushes, pencils, and more within the draws. Against the wall was a music stand, many papers of music contained in a draw within the table. I had two closets. The walk in one, beside my vanity, contained my clothing and shoes, with much space left to be filled. The other closet, on the other side of my bed contained many musical instruments and supplies, it was much larger, and had a lot of space. A small section for each instrument. Mainly string instruments.
      My things that belonged in the kitchen were now in Alastor's, stored away or now a part of his kitchen display. The movers were long gone, the time now turning to evening.  I walked down the stairs and headed to the kitchen, deciding to make dinner. Alastor dealt with a lot today, I didn't want to add more to that. I opened the fridge, (Yes, fridges were a thing then.) taking out corn and squash. I then set them down, bending down to take out the wooden cutting board from the cabinet and a knife from the hanging rack. Then, I set a large pan on the stove, starting it up.
      I took the corn, shedding the cob of its corn, then doing another. I gently poured the load of corn into the pan, stirring it slightly before going to cut the squash. Once it was finished, I poured the load into the pan as well, reaching towards the seasoning shelf and grabbing pepper, sprinkling the food within the pan with it.
      I stirred here and there, and made sure to wash the dishes that I could. I was going to make pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, and cook fish. It would be a big dinner, but I didn't mind. Alastor nearly grew everything in his garden, which is good considering what's going on currently. The stock market had crashed a year ago, and a couple months ago, Hoovers claimed that the worst had passed. I wasn't very convinced. The food supply for a lot of families had started to go down slowly, and less people went to the cafe. Even the cafe was getting close to closing due to the lack of supply they had. I sighed. That cafe is my favorite cafe. I didn't want to see it go. But life is unfair. Simple as that.
      I grumbled, going towards the radio resting on the counter to play music. Sometimes, I didn't enjoy the silence.

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